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It’s important that you are prepared for summer, and a malfunctioning air conditioner (AC) may be frustrating, especially if this happens during the peak of the summer season. While some AC problems will require a professional, you will realize that you can fix some of the issues by following a few troubleshooting steps. Read on to learn what you should do if your AC is not functioning well.


AC Fan Not Spinning

A fan that is not spinning is the first important sign that something is amiss with your AC system. It may not be easy to tell the cause of the problem. You should listen to the unit for weird noises to determine if the problem is caused by the fan capacitor or air compressor. A capacitor turns on the fan motor when the AC unit starts. If the capacitor is defective, you can easily replace it. Alternatively, you can jumpstart the fan by pushing its blades with a long object. A little pressure can do the trick, but remember that this will be just a temporary remedy. You will need to call an HVAC professional to check the entire system.


Air Conditioner Not Cooling the Air

Essentially, the primary purpose of an air conditioner is to cool the home. However, you may realize that your AC is not cooling air despite the thermostat being set properly. Some of these Air Conditioning Issues may be caused by a dirty or blocked air condenser. You need to check the unit outside and clean the area around it. Remove weeds and other debris that may be blocking the passage of air.


After cleaning the area around the unit outside, check the filter and make sure that it is clean. A dirty air cleaner restricts the movement of air to the evaporator coil. In such a situation, the coil can freeze, and your AC will not cool the air. Check the type of debris on the filter and clean it. You may need to change the air filter if you cannot see through it. If the problem persists, your refrigerant or compressor may be causing the problem. You should call a professional if DIY efforts fail to yield positive results.


AC Fan Motor Makes Noise and Spins Slowly

If your AC fan is spinning slowly and making noise, this could be a result of debris around the fan axle. Listen to grinding sounds to determine if debris is the cause of the problem. If the system is clogged by debris that includes weeds, leaves, and sticks, your fan will become heavy, and it will turn slowly. Try to remove all the unwanted particles within your AC system. To protect your AC unit, you need to inspect it regularly. Check the interior for debris and clean the AC.


Fan Not Spinning and No Noise

If the outside AC fan is not spinning and it does not make any noise, this might be caused by electrical issues. Your unit may be in good working condition mechanically but affected by a small electrical problem. Check if the circuit breaker is tripped and look for any other fault that can cause the problem. Try to switch the breaker for a few seconds and turn it on to see if there is any change. If the breaker is not the issue, the power problem can be internal. This means that the condenser, capacitor, contactor, or compressor may be faulty. Attempting to fix internal electrical problems can be highly risky if you lack professional knowledge. It is a good idea to call a technician to avoid worsening the issue.


AC Fan Repeatedly Shuts Off

Another problem that you can encounter with your air conditioner is that the fan constantly shuts off. This can result from energy problems or a power supply system error. Try to look for defects along the power supply system to ensure that everything is in good working condition. Check the fuse and make sure the unit is properly plugged on the wall. Try to address this issue quickly before it develops into a major problem.


Your air conditioner can malfunction as a result of different factors. Some of the problems should be fixed by expert HVAC technicians, but you can fix the minor ones. The tips above are cost-effective ways to resolve different problems with your AC. However, leave complicated power issues to specialists to avoid causing more damage to your system. Repairing an AC is often dangerous, so you should call a technician if the problem is beyond your expertise.