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Many people in recent times have decided to completely leave their dependence on the government and other things and completely free themselves from them in different ways. We will give you some tips that may help you start your own off-the-grid living, which may be interesting to you. 


Find other power sources

If you live somewhere where there are a lot of outages or you simply think that the government is billing you too much for electricity, then you should think about different sources that you can use to power your home. The easiest solution is to install panels. You should know that the prices of solar panels vary from place to place and from year to year. They are a great way to power parts of your home if you live somewhere where there are a lot of sunny days. If you have a large surface where you can put many of them, you would generate a lot of electricity, possibly enough to power every tool, bulb, and appliance you have in your house. For the winter, you would have to find another way to get power to your home. If you have a lot of wind, you can use wind turbines to get some electricity, and water turbines are also an option if you have a stream or river close to you. 

When you need extra energy, you could use generators, but the gas that you use for them can be quite expensive if you use it a lot. You should have batteries where you can store excess energy that your turbines and panels produce so that you can use everything that is at your disposal. You should look to cut down on using electricity and use tools that use alternative power sources.

The location

Although technically you could live in any location in the world, whether it is Alaska or the Himalayas, without relying on the local grid, it will still be great if you find a place where you can survive your day-to-day much easier, even if you do not rely on the grid. What we would suggest is that you go to a place where there is a lot of sun during the year and where the winters are mild. You need access to drinking water, so you need some kind of floss or river where you can get that. Also, you will need a lot of wood for fires and for preparing meals. Even though you want to get as far from civilization as possible, we would still recommend that you have some people close by just in case.

Learn as many skills as possible

The more you know how to look after yourself, the easier it will be for you to live independently. You should learn skills such as gardening, woodworking, and many others that will make it much easier to function. You need to realize that you will have days when something breaks and you will need to repair it. You will have problems with your crops and you’ll need to know how to protect and nurture them. The more you know, the easier it will be.

Raise animals

You will need a lot of food and one way you can have it even in the winter is by raising it yourself. You should get some cattle, chickens, and other types of animals that you will nurture, eat, and reproduce. There are many things that you have to learn before you buy some of these animals. Raising them is a lot of hard work and you need to think about how many you can take care of by yourself. By having these animals, you will always have something to eat, even in winter times.

Think about your friends and family

Even though you can manage to live on your own while being separated from the rest of the world, you should still try to stay connected with your family and close ones. What you can do is pay a visit to them once in a while or have big gatherings at your place. You prepare a big feast where you will call them over, and you can have fun while roasting chickens and other meals you have prepared. Also, we would advise you to look for new friends, and your new neighbors could be just that. Talk with them, ask them for help, go and help them, and in no time you will find people that you feel connected to.


Creating a water management system is quite important since water is a key component of off-grid life. You may find sustainable water sources by installing rainwater collecting systems, digging wells, or exploring alternative options. To make sure there’s clean, safe water, put money into water purification and filtration systems. Also, you should try water-saving measures like composting toilets to cut down on waste. 


Food preservation

Once you have harvested your garden, you will have to preserve some of that produce for the winter, and there are a few methods you can do that. You could dry the fruit, pickle some of the vegetables, and ferment others. We would suggest that you put the harvested produce into a dry and cold place because there they will deteriorate slower and you can use them longer. Also, it may be a good idea to trade some of the produce you created with the neighbors, and you can get something in return that you want.



You need to consider how you will communicate with other people when in need. There are many options available. Using radio, satellite phones, and other means to contact emergency services or something like that could make life a lot easier. You never know when you will need help so it is best to be prepared. 

Being off the grid requires you to consider many things if you want to live a satisfactory life. There goes a lot of work, preparation, and research to find the best ways to achieve this feat. Every day can be a struggle if you do not know what to do, so try expanding your skillset every time you can.