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Stucco is far and away one of the best sorts of materials to use on the outside of a building. Whether it’s a commercial building or a residential home, the stone-like surface of stucco provides a very hard shell that’s able to protect well against all sorts of elements. However, while stucco is very strong and a great material choice for your home or building, it is still incredibly susceptible to damage since it’s on the exterior of the home, facing the full brunt of the elements. Damage to this sort of material ranges from peeling and cracking to outright buckling and breaking apart. It’s very important to catch this damage early on so that the material and surface can be repaired before it spreads and gets worse.


Though stucco repair, available from companies like Golden Trowel Stucco, isn’t something that most people know about. Not that it’s too tough of a topic to learn, that requires a ton of expertise, but it is a very specialized field in that the only people who generally deal with stucco issues are the professionals at construction firms. Generally speaking, the average person might be equipped to spot stucco damage but not really equipped to fix it. So let’s speak a little bit about this sort of damage and what you can do about it.

How Long Stucco Can Last if Maintained

The good news is that your stucco is some very solid stuff. According to the experts in the field, if you have the right sort of application, including the foundation, and you have it painted with a high-quality product, then your stucco material can easily last 20 years before it starts to peel, blister or crack. This is some seriously strong material, and properly maintaining it might just give you a full life without having to get it repaired.


However, this depends on quite a few factors as well. For instance, you might need to seek out stucco repair more often if you live in an area with a very harsh climate. All the specialized, protective paint in the world won’t stand up to Mother Nature’s fury.


Recommended Time for Inspections

Like anything else regarding your house or your building, it’s always wise to have the material inspected for any signs of damage. The great thing about inspections is that you can catch small problems as they start, which will prevent them from turning into larger, more expensive problems. This is definitely important with stucco, as most damage starts out as small bubbles or cracks and gets a lot worse over time.


It is recommended that you inspect your stucco every two years or so to ensure that it’s showing no signs of damage. You can certainly inspect this material on your own, though it will help you greatly to have the professionals stop by and perform this inspection. They know exactly what to look for and will be able to catch potential damaging issues a lot better than you can.


What to Do if You Need Repairs


Call in the Professionals Right Away

If you do decide to inspect the stucco yourself, then what you’re looking for are irregularities in the material. Is it bumping and bubbling out in some places? Are there cracks in the surface, or especially around window and door frames? These are the things you certainly want to look for when inspecting. It also helps to inspect the integrity of your paint, as the paint is really acting as a protecting agent for your stucco, keeping the water and other elements from penetrating it.


If you spot any damage here on your stucco, the first thing you should do is contact a local professional company to come in and have a look. Even if you do know a little bit about how to repair the material, you won’t know the actual breadth of the problem if you don’t have the expertise. You might need to redo the material entirely in some places. It’s just wise to have the pros stop by.


You should have no trouble finding a great company to work with you to help you through this issue. They should be readily available to stop by for whatever you need, be it inspections, repairs or outright replacements.