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Core drilling, also known as concrete coring or diamond drilling, is a precise and efficient method for creating holes in hard materials like concrete, stone, and brick. Whether you’re planning a construction project in the USA or considering core drilling in London, it’s essential to understand the costs involved. 

The cost of core drilling in the USA typically ranges from $75 to $225 per hole, depending on factors such as the material, depth, and diameter of the hole, as well as the location and accessibility of the drilling site. On average, most projects cost between $750 and $2,250, with prices varying based on the complexity of the job.

Price Breakdown

Core drilling prices in the USA vary based on the hole diameter and depth. For holes up to 2 inches in diameter and up to 3 feet deep, the price range per hole is typically between $75 and $120. When the hole diameter increases to 2-4 inches, with a depth of up to 3 feet, the price range per hole rises to $105-$180. For even larger holes, 4-6 inches in diameter and up to 3 feet deep, the price range per hole is $150-$225. When the hole diameter exceeds 6 inches, and the depth is over 3 feet, the price per hole starts at $180 and can go up depending on the specific project requirements.

Core drilling costs in Europe and UK  are similar to those in the USA, with prices typically ranging from £50 to £150 per hole. However, core drilling London can be significantly higher due to the increased cost of living, higher labor rates, and the complexity of working in a densely populated urban environment. In London, drilling costs may range from £75 to £200 per hole, with an average project cost between £750 and £2,000.


Factors Affecting Core Drilling Costs


Several factors influence the cost of core drilling:



The type of material being drilled can significantly impact the cost of core drilling. Harder materials like reinforced concrete or dense stone require more time and specialized equipment, resulting in higher costs compared to softer materials like brick or unreinforced concrete.


Depth and Diameter 

The depth and diameter of the holes being drilled are key factors in determining the cost of core drilling. Deeper and wider holes require more time, labor, and resources, leading to higher prices. Larger diameter holes may also necessitate the use of more advanced drilling equipment, further increasing costs.


Location and Accessibility 

The location and accessibility of the drilling site can greatly influence core drilling costs. Projects in hard-to-reach areas, such as high-rise buildings or confined spaces, may require specialized access equipment and additional safety measures, resulting in higher prices. Additionally, projects in densely populated urban areas, like London, may face logistical challenges and higher labor costs.


Number of Holes 

The number of holes being drilled can impact the overall cost of a core drilling project. In some cases, a higher number of holes may result in a lower per-hole cost due to economies of scale. However, this depends on the specific project requirements and the contractor’s pricing structure.



Rush jobs or projects with tight deadlines may incur premium prices. Contractors may need to allocate additional resources or work overtime to complete urgent projects, resulting in higher costs for the client.  

*Please note that these prices are estimates and may vary depending on the specific project requirements and contractor.*


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How long does core drilling take?


The duration of a core drilling project depends on factors such as the number and size of the holes, as well as the material being drilled. On average, a single hole can take between 30 minutes and 2 hours to complete.


Is core drilling messy?

Core drilling is a relatively clean process, as it uses water to cool the drill bit and minimize dust. However, some water spillage and minor debris are inevitable.


Can I perform core drilling myself?

While it is possible to rent core drilling equipment, it is recommended to hire professional contractors for most projects to ensure safety, efficiency, and quality results.