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Gardening and landscaping have come a long way from simply being about appearances.

With an increasing emphasis on sustainable practices, homeowners and landscapers alike are exploring eco-friendly options for every part of the garden, including lawn edging. The modern garden is not just a place of beauty, but also an environment that thrives in harmony with nature.


Why Eco-Edging?

Traditional lawn edging solutions, often made from plastic or other non-biodegradable materials, can disrupt the ecosystem, leach toxins into the soil, and contribute to plastic waste.

Eco-edging, on the other hand, refers to the practice of using environmentally friendly materials and methods for delineating garden beds, pathways, and other features in the garden.

So, why choose sustainable lawn edging solutions? The reasons are manifold:

  1. Environmental Benefits: Eco-edging materials are often recyclable, biodegradable, or sourced from sustainable resources, reducing landfill waste and ensuring minimal environmental impact.
  2. Aesthetic Appeal: Natural and sustainable materials blend seamlessly into the garden, enhancing the overall look by lending an organic, earthy touch.
  3. Soil Health: Eco-friendly materials don’t leach harmful chemicals into the ground, ensuring the continued health of the soil and the plants growing nearby.


Eco-Friendly Materials for Lawn Edging

  1. Stone and Pebbles: One of the most timeless and durable options, natural stone and pebbles can serve as effective and attractive edging materials. They do not decay, and sourcing them locally can reduce the environmental footprint.
  2. Bamboo: As a fast-growing renewable resource, bamboo is an excellent choice for garden edging. It’s lightweight, strong, and can give your garden a tropical or oriental feel.
  3. Corten Steel: While metal might not immediately sound sustainable, Corten steel (or weathering steel) is an exception. It forms a stable rust-like appearance over time, eliminating the need for painting or finishing. This reduces maintenance and its longevity means it won’t need frequent replacement.
  4. Reclaimed Wood: Instead of purchasing new materials, consider reusing old wooden beams or planks for edging. This approach not only minimizes waste but also adds a vintage, rustic charm to your garden.
  5. Coco Fiber Edging: Made from the outer husk of coconuts, this biodegradable material offers a neat, natural-looking boundary that breaks down over time, enriching the soil.


Incorporating Eco-Edging into Sustainable Landscaping Practices

Eco-edging can be an integral part of a broader sustainable landscaping strategy:

  • Water Conservation: Position your eco-edging to guide water flow, ensuring maximum absorption by plants and reducing water runoff.
  • Companion Planting: Pair your lawn edging with plants that act as natural pest repellents. For example, if you’re using wooden edging, plant lavender or rosemary nearby to deter pests naturally.
  • Natural Mulching: Use organic materials like straw, bark, or leaves as mulch within your edged areas. These materials slowly decompose, returning valuable nutrients to the soil.
  • Recycling Garden Waste: Instead of disposing of garden clippings, leaves, or branches, use them to create DIY eco-edging. This could be in the form of a woven wattle fence or a laid twig edge, turning waste into a resource.


Should You Hire Landscape Experts or Edge Your Own Lawn?

Whether you should edge your own lawn or hire professional experts depends on a combination of factors including your preferences, skills, time availability, financial considerations, and the desired outcome. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Cost:

  • DIY: Edging your own lawn typically requires an upfront investment in tools if you don’t already have them. Over time, however, the cost of maintaining these tools and buying supplies might be less than hiring professionals regularly.
  • Professional: Hiring experts might have a higher ongoing cost, but you’re also paying for their expertise, equipment, and efficiency.

2. Time and Effort:

  • DIY: Edging your lawn can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large lawn or if you’re a beginner. It also requires physical effort.
  • Professional: Hiring experts saves you time and effort. They can typically complete the job faster due to their experience and professional-grade equipment.

3. Skill Level:

  • DIY: If you’re not experienced, you might not achieve the same quality finish initially as a professional. However, with practice, you can improve.
  • Professional: They are likely to have more experience and can achieve a neat and clean finish.

4. Satisfaction:

  • DIY: Many people find satisfaction in doing their own yard work. It can be therapeutic and provides a sense of accomplishment.
  • Professional: There’s also satisfaction in seeing a job done quickly and efficiently by experts.

5. Flexibility:

  • DIY: You can choose when to edge your lawn based on your own schedule.
  • Professional: You’ll need to coordinate with the company or individual, which might mean scheduling in advance.

6. Equipment Maintenance:

  • DIY: Owning equipment means you’ll need to maintain it, which includes regular cleaning, servicing, and sometimes repairs.
  • Professional: You won’t have to worry about equipment maintenance, as this is typically managed by the service provider.

7. Consistency:

  • DIY: The quality of the edging might vary each time, especially when you’re still learning.
  • Professional: Professionals are likely to provide a consistent result each time.

8. Potential Damage:

  • DIY: There’s a risk of damaging your lawn or garden if you’re inexperienced.
  • Professional: They’re trained to avoid common mistakes, reducing the risk of damage.



Eco-edging is a holistic approach that goes beyond just delineating parts of a garden. It’s about integrating sustainable practices every step of the way. By choosing environmentally friendly materials and methods, gardeners can ensure their plots not only look good but also contribute to the well-being of the environment.

In the age of sustainable living, embracing eco-edging can set a garden a class apart, making it a testament to the harmony that can exist between humans and nature.