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Decorating a tiny house may be difficult for some people but in actual sense, it shouldn’t be, especially with some practical tips. Perhaps the first step is to check for areas where you can create extra spaces and then declutter the house to give way to more practical items. The following tips and ideas can help you achieve your objectives;

Don’t Get an Item Unless You Really Need

For safety reasons, there are government regulations on tiny homes and you need to check and ensure that you follow them. Those regulations vary widely from state to state, and even county to county or town to town. In addition to these regulatory restriction, you need to have your own regulations too when it comes to what will be kept and stored in your tiny home. Downsizing your possessions is (obviously) a must, and part of the appeal about tiny home living.  Items such as multiple cast-iron pans, storage boxes, and extra furniture or accessories may not be necessarily needed in your tiny home.  First things first – if you don’t need it, donate it or find a friend that could use it.

Make Use of a Lighter Color Palette

Tiny homes have a lot of benefits when it comes to a lighter color palette. Make use of white or any other lighter color to paint the walls to make the tiny space appear bigger than it actually is. It is believed that the light painted wall panels can direct your eyes to the focal point of the interior thus creating some extra length within the space.

Don’t Block the Windows

While decorating your tiny house, you should keep in mind that not much air is circulating within, thus you want to avoid blocking the heater and air conditioner. There are typically options for furniture placement inside a tiny home, if not you should custom build the furniture to ensure they don’t take up much space. You may want to include only accessories that can be placed around the windows but not those that block them. One of the most important rules in decorating the tiny house is to maximize airflow and light. You can place your furniture some few inches away from the window to promote better air and light flow.

Choose Pieces that Combine Form with Function

Consider wall storage compartments that combine vertical and horizontal spaces to create more effective storage for your items. Also, you should consider furniture and other accessories that combine form with function. There are some accessories like tables and chairs with multiple storage compartments that can help store different sizes of items. You may want to replace your nylon pop-up hamper for a woven basket or a plastic file cart to store more items. Do not hang your shoe racks on the wall, they are not visually appealing. Store them away and use visible spaces for more eye catching items.

Create Vertical Decorations

If you want to achieve more with your small house decoration then you need to think about decorating from down to up. A vertical arrangement creates more illusion of a cleaner and clutter-free home. Vertical decorations and arrangements can also trick your family and visitors into believing that your home is bigger. Make sure you store your items vertically in highs and lows and store items out of your eye line when possible to create an illusion of a bigger space. Do not forget to take advantage of the space underneath your bed and the couch to store even more items you need. For the kitchen, you might consider a hanging pot holder.

Go for Smaller Options

Are you looking to replace your old kitchen appliances or electronics, make sure you choose smaller options to save more space in your tiny home? Even your furniture, TV, and computer should be smaller than the average to ensure that the space is not clumsy.


Most people fail to optimize the space higher up on the walls, especially those areas where their hands can hardly reach. There are several other tips and ideas you may want to consider and there is no danger in trial and error. You should pay attention to anything that doesn’t fit into your space and replace it or simply do without that item if you don’t truly need it. Experts suggest that for every new item you buy, you should remove an old item that you can do without. It can take some time to achieve that smart home you desire and it will surely take some effort.

David Huner
Senior Writer & Founder