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3 Types of Stucco Painting

3 Types of Stucco Painting

Stucco is some pretty amazing stuff. Sure, when speaking about protective elements on the outsides of homes and other structures today, we have a range of siding and wraps that help keep homes protected. But stucco predates all of these other methods for a very long...
Signs it’s Time for Window Replacement

Signs it’s Time for Window Replacement

If eyes are the windows of the soul, then windows themselves might be the eyes of the home. Maybe there is a better way to phrase it than that, but needless to say that windows are an essential feature of the house. Not only do they make a house a lot more attractive...
When to Invest in Home Renovations

When to Invest in Home Renovations

The decision to pursue home renovations should not lightly start. Renovating your home is a big commitment. It requires a substantial investment of time and money. The upgrades will probably disrupt your life, and you must be able to make difficult decisions in terms...