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Siding is amongst a home or building’s most important exterior features. This product performs several vital functions. That said, there are numerous materials property owners can choose from. Two of the more commonly employed products are vinyl and stucco. Interested subjects are encouraged to read on for a brief comparison of these two popular options.


Benefits Of Siding

Before jumping into comparison, it is important to examine the possible benefits external safeguards could bring to the structures said materials are placed upon:


 Enhanced Curb Appeal

Exterior coverings often enhance what real estate and contracting professionals call curb appeal. This principle measures how aesthetically-pleasing a property is viewed from a distance. Those affiliated with the industry maintain that greater curb appeal often translates into quicker and more lucrative property sales.


 Property Protection

Coverings like vinyl and stucco often protect the structure in question from both external and internal damage.


 Increased Energy Efficiency

Exterior shields could heighten a construction’s insulation. Said capabilities keep external air from entering and internal air from existing such structures. Over time, air consolidation reduces the reliance on air cooling and heating apparatuses, which often yields significant reductions in energy bills.


Vinyl is a human-made product similar to plastic known scientifically as polyvinyl chloride, or PVC. This material is one of the most widely used exterior coverings.


Associated Benefits



Arguably, vinyl is one of, if not the least inexpensive external safeguard comprising materials.


 Minimal Maintenance Requirements

The product is relatively durable, flexible, and does not attract environmental particles such as dirt, dust and allergens. Sufficient cleaning is often performed using soap and a garden hose. Moreover, the material is not painted. Therefore, owners will not be required to maintain existing paint jobs or perform new ones to cover emerging wear or damage.


 Easy Installation

Vinyl is considered amongst the easiest exterior structure-shielding products to install. Said attribute typically translates into reduced labour costs as construction crews seldom experience complications or delays placing the material down.


 Style Versatility

Additionally, vinyl is available in numerous colours and styles. This benefit renders the product readily adaptable to many individual tastes.


Possible Drawbacks


 Moisture Accumulation

Usually, vinyl is installed over material known as styrene. Said substance tends to trap moisture over time. Should wetness grow pronounced the covering might deteriorate.


 Insensitivity To Temperature Extremes

Exposure to excessive sunlight and extreme temperatures followed by cool nights could precipitate structural expansion that might result in cracking or splitting.



Stucco is a concoction comprised of cement, sand and water. Typically, several coats are applied to various surfaces like wood, brick or concrete. The finished product is often favoured for its unique, hand-crafted designs.




 Aesthetic Appeal

Stucco can be crafted to meet a wide array of styles and textures. Therefore, the material could be moulded to fit a certain subject’s intimate tastes.



Stucco should be installed by a contractor possessing experience applying such material. Ergo, labour costs could be relatively high. However, overall expenses tend to be less than other exterior covering options because stucco comprises inexpensive products.


 Water And Weatherproofing

The product is more water-resistant and weatherproof than several other external protectors. This is because stucco contains no seams. Seams often increase the possibility of water and air penetration, which could lead to interior damage and elevated utility expenses.


Possible Drawbacks


 Damage Capability

Stucco damages easily. The slightest scrapes or other forms of unintended contact often quickly morph into more serious deterioration. Therefore, any problem must promptly be addressed.


 High Maintenance

In addition to vigilant observation and prompt damages assessment, stucco often requires frequent and thorough cleansing. Environmental debris like dust and dirt could also lead to rapid deterioration.


Which Material Is Better?

It is difficult to assess which product is better truly. As the saying goes, better is often determined by the beholder. Both vinyl and stucco have major upsides. However, home or property owners will employ said materials after considering several factors, including their individual tastes, budgetary constraints, property contours, intended desires, and the climate in which their home or other construction is situated.