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Since the pandemic, there has been  a movement towards “home”, space, and self reliance.  There’s been an uptick in farming, home gardening and here we’ll explore a bit about owning a horse since they are one of the most popular animals to own if you have the land, and the time to invest in their care.

A well-groomed horse is a healthy horse. Whether you own a racehorse, a show horse or just simply love to ride, keeping up appearances can improve the overall health and wellbeing of your animal. By following these industry-led tips, your horse can remain perfectly groomed from mane to hoof.


  1. Nutrition


The correct nutrition is key to a healthy, shiny coat. A balanced diet tailored to the individual dietary requirements of the horse will ensure they are kept healthy from the inside out. There are a number of additional nutrients and supplements you can feed your horse to contribute to an enhanced coat shine. These include copper, zinc, vitamin A and protein. Horses must also always have unrestricted access to an adequate, clean supply of drinking water which can be adjusted depending on the activity level of the horse.


  1. Proper hoof care


Regular maintenance of your horse’s hooves can prevent the onset of a number of serious health issues down the line. By frequently trimming your horse’s hooves, you can protect them from overgrown nails, extreme pain and even lameness. Hooves should be inspected on a daily basis with a hoof pick for gravel, dirt, stones or any general debris that may affect a horse’s ability to walk or ride. This also allows for the early detection of any infections or wounds before they have the chance to spread or worsen.


  1. Regular haircuts


Keeping your horse’s coat and main trimmed on a regular basis can improve the overall appearance of your equine and protect it from pests. There are a variety of horse clippers and trimmers available on the market designed to streamline the process of trimming your horse’s hair. However, it is important a horse’s ears are not over trimmed as this removes their natural protection barrier from flies and ear mites and leaves them susceptible to bites and ticks.


  1. Bathing


Although horses are relatively clean and do not require regular baths, your horse may benefit from a thorough wash before or after an important event. Frequent bathing can strip your horse of natural oils needed to maintain a shiny coat. It is important your horse is only bathed in a last-ditch attempt to remove any deep-rooted dirt and grime that regular grooming or brushing cannot budge.


  1. Brushing


Brushing regularly rids your horse’s coat of any lingering dead skin cells and promotes good circulation. By getting up close and personal with your horse, you can also inspect its skin for any cuts or lesions that you may otherwise have missed and ensure they are treated by a vet immediately. A fully equipped horse grooming kit also simplifies the brushing process. With access to a variety of different brushes and combs, you can be reassured your horse’s coat will remain clean and shiny even if they are partial to a daily mud bath.


By following these tips, you can ensure your horse not only looks good but feels good too.