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Is your home slowly turning into a clutter convention? Are your shoes everywhere, chairs taking on the role of a wardrobe, and existing piles of things becoming the breeding ground for new piles of things? It doesn’t sound very appealing, does it?

If your home is headed in that direction, or you’re already there, it’s time to find a new way to store all your stuff. It doesn’t matter what space you’re working with. There are storage solutions that can tidy up even the smallest apartments. You just need to be smart about how you’re utilizing your space.

Here are 10 storage solutions for organizing your home without taking up all your space.

1. Drawers And Dressers

Of course, this list needs to be kicked off with one of the most tried and trusted storage solutions ever created. A chest of drawers and dressers is one of the best and simplest ways to keep clothes, or anything else that fits, from piling up.

2. Install Some Corner Shelves

Use your corner space! Corner shelves can go inside or around corners, depending on the nature of the corner in question. Some light research will bring you many different ideas and options for corner shelves. You’ll likely find a range showcasing some brilliant and unobtrusive offerings or solutions. A great way to use these is for books, but they can be used for anything. It can also make a fun do-it-yourself (DIY) project if you’re into that.

3. Rails Or Racks On Doors

Did you know that they make wire racks or rails designed to fit onto the backs of doors? You may find these to be surprisingly convenient for keeping small things that would otherwise fill up your living space. For example, on-door racks would be an excellent place to store your clean, rolled-up towels in the bathroom of a small apartment.

4. Storage Benches

Simultaneously hide clutter and add more seating space to your home with a storage bench or ottoman. They’re hollow benches with flip-up tops that provide an extra space to store goods. Something like this would go well underneath a windowsill, giving you a great spot to relax while soaking up the sunlight.

5. Put Wall Shelves Above Other Spots

Think about all the vertical space above a bed, desk, bathroom sink, etc. Of course, you can’t put a set of drawers on the ground that’s already filled, but you can use the space above it. Wall shelves work exceptionally well in bedrooms, kitchens, living rooms, and bathrooms.

6. Use The Space Under Staircases

Often overlooked, the underside of a staircase is a prime location for hooks, racks, shelves, and any other storage solutions you can think will fit your needs. Use it to hang bicycles, store books, set up a workspace, and the list goes on.

7. Built-In Wall Storage

If you’re doing some renovations to your home and looking to increase your storage capacity, consider building in some wall storage while you’re at it. It may be more costly and less easily attainable than the other options on this list, but it comes with a helpful advantage. Having this installed will leave you with storage space that’s flush with your walls. In other words, once installed, it’s entirely unobtrusive to your living space.

8. There’s Space Under The Bed

Bed bases that stand on legs give you the leeway to keep a few things under there. If you’re worried that storing stuff underneath the bed will look untidy, you can always cover it up with a frill. Fortunately, there are numerous solutions catered to bedroom storage. One such example is bed frames that come with storage drawers.

9. Multipurpose Furniture

Adding onto the previous point, aside from beds, you can find almost any other type of furniture in a configuration that gives extra storage space. This may very well be one of the keys to avoiding a cluttered home. Most people will eventually incorporate furniture into their homes, so why not make double use of the space?

Here the options are vast. With a bit of searching, you’ll find couches, coffee tables, desks, and bedside tables that’ll double as storage spaces. Many function similarly to storage benches, have drawers, or even ‘laddered’ shelves down the legs.

10. Make Use Of Your Entrance Way

At the end of the list is another area that often goes forgotten. The entranceway to a house or apartment is one of the best places to set up additional storage. You don’t use the entranceway once you’re inside, so anything that’s put here won’t take up space in the rest of your home. A DIY shoe rack fits perfectly into an entranceway. What a convenient way to clear shoe clutter from the rest of your place!


There you have it. Ten different storage solutions that won’t consume all of your space. As you can see, home storage is all about cleverly utilizing what area you have available.

If you’ve been looking for new storage solutions for your home, hopefully, something on this list has helped you find your best solution. Moreover, if you are looking for a professional in the Rochester and Finger Lakes Region of New York, you’ll find them at FindTheHomePros.com.