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When adding upgrades to your home, one of the most significant considerations is the insulation you use. You will consume less energy and your monthly expenses will be cheaper if your home is more energy-efficient than the average home. When deciding which type(s) of insulation would be most appropriate for your home, here are the top five facts you should be aware of:


1. Home insulation is available in many different forms.

Plastic fibers are utilized as an insulating wrap in one of the most frequent varieties of plastic wrap. Bubble wrap or mylar sheets are two frequent names for this material. Because it can both insulate and prevent things from being crushed during shipment, this wrapping material is typically found on any packed product.

Fiberglass batting and spray foam are two more types of home insulation that are commonly utilized in attics and walls, as well as in basements. It is most typically utilized in older homes because it is a simple solution that can be installed between the studs in the walls and is therefore easy to install. It is necessary to keep in mind that fiberglass batting should not be used in attics since it does not provide enough fire protection.


2. There are a number of options for installing at-home insulation.

In most cases, installing home insulation is a straightforward process, albeit the time required may differ according to your specific needs. Use plastic wrap or mylar sheets to cover your walls. These materials are simple to use and only require cutting to fit your walls and adhering them in place using adhesive strips.

Spray foam insulation requires professional installation because it expands when it is sprayed and can fill in cracks and crevices that you may not be able to reach on your own. Spray foam insulation is available from a variety of sources including iFoam. Professional installation is also recommended for fiberglass batting, as it can be difficult to manipulate the material into position between studs on your own.


3. Insulation in your home can help you save money on your energy expenses.

As a result of adequately insulating your home, you may expect to see a large decrease in both energy consumption and your monthly energy costs. The reason for this is that home insulation prevents air from escaping, which means that your heating and cooling systems do not have to work as hard to maintain a steady temperature within your home as they would otherwise.


4. Adding insulation to your home can help to raise the value of your property.

Home insulation has the added benefit of increasing the value of your home in addition to saving you money on energy expenditures. In the event that you decide to place your home on the market, it’s possible that potential buyers will be pleased by the fact that your home is more energy-efficient than other homes in your neighborhood, which may result in your property being more appealing to buyers.


5. Insulation in your home can help you lower your carbon footprint.

Insulating your home is an excellent method to make a positive influence on the environment if you are concerned about the impact of climate change and want to reduce your carbon footprint. In addition to lowering your energy consumption, using insulation products manufactured from recycled materials can assist to lessen the environmental impact of your insulation installation on the environment.

Whatever type of home insulation you pick, it is essential that it is properly installed in order to obtain the highest possible energy-saving performance. As part of this process, you should seal any air leaks and make certain that the insulation is equally dispersed throughout your home. Aside from that, you should do frequent inspections of your home’s insulation to make sure that it does not become damaged or degraded over time. Doing so will assist you in maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient environment for many years to come. ​