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The Spring season is approaching, with February already here, which means the slightly warmer temperatures will speed up the lifecycle of many pests hibernating inside and outside your house. We want you to be all geared up for dealing with the Spring household pests, such as cockroaches, flies, spiders, and ants. All these pests have different dwelling habits and will invade and exploit your home’s insides in different ways. While some of the household pests will dwell in the voids of your roof and wall cavities, others will make homes inside sub-floor cracks and cervices. Their shared goal is gaining access to water and food while finding a permanent shelter.

Your natural response would be to call pest control services and ask the team of professionals to permanently remove all pests. Read on to learn more about essential pest control tips for this Spring season.


Cluster Flies

These species of flies resemble common houseflies. However, if you take a closer look, you will find them slightly more golden and larger in size. You are more likely to encounter cluster flies in attics where they can form reside in large swarms. The typical entrance points to your home for these flies are cracks, especially around windows, as they attempt to evade the outside cooling temperatures. Flies are amongst the most annoying pests in Spring and summer.


Larder Beetles

Another type of pests that you are more likely to encounter during Spring is the larder beetles. These pests will enter the comfort and warmth of your home in search of food. The adult larder beetles munch on pet food, meat, and even the corpses of their fellow pests, cluster flies, and bugs. We recommend identifying the food source of the beetles to prevent an upcoming infestation. Keep your stored food tightly sealed, and refrain from leaving the kitchen counters with spills and food sitting on them.


Another common household pests for Spring are spiders. If you get scared out of your wits by the sight of spiders, it is okay. You are not alone, as we all are in the same boat. The only spider we like is Spiderman. These long-legged nasty creatures dwell in your house’s moist and dark places, such as the basement and garage. Make sure to seal all cracks to prevent spiders from making their web inside your house.


What Can You do to Get Rid of Spring Pests?

The best way to eliminate pest infestation risks is by finding the sources and getting rid of them before Spring hits us. By cleaning your home’s gutters of natural debris, such as leaves, you will delimit water and food availability for pests. Also, ensure to regularly mow your lawn and weed the garden if you have a front or backyard. Long grass is an ideal place for rodents, fleas, spiders, ticks, and snakes to hide. Thoroughly assess the exterior of your home and detect trees, shrubs, and bushes that need some trimming.  Look out for plants that are grown alone or over your home and serve as a Bridgeway for many pests to enter your home.

Ensure that your trash gets taken out daily and that no garbage bins are without a seal. Don’t forget to clean surfaces such as tiles and floors, the space between racks, and other cracks and crevices in your home. This way, you won’t attract pests, such as rodents, flies, ants, bugs, and cockroaches. Fix and repair all leaking taps to reduce water resources. Also, remember to fix any ill-fitted or damaged window screens, and door cracks, as these are the perfect gateway for pests to creep into your home.