Residential and commercial architectural projects differ massively. One of the main reasons for this is scope. Commercial architectural projects tend to be much larger than residential ones. That being said, more and more apartment complexes are being built than ever before, and some of these are huge. If you are interested in architecture, learning about the differences between residential and commercial projects can help you get a better understanding of the industry as a whole. This post will explore this topic in more detail, telling you what the key differences are and offering some tips on finding an architect.
How to Find an Architect
If you want a residential or commercial building built, you need to find an architect. An architect will create the blueprints for the construction company you hire to follow. Something worth noting is that the average commercial architect can assist with residential projects, whereas residential architects typically cannot. The easiest way to find an architect is to conduct an online search. Make sure that whichever firm you hire, you hire one with good reviews and a solid reputation. An architectural firm’s reviews will give you an idea of what they’re like to work with. Check customer feedback posted on their website as well.
Differences Between Residential and Commercial Projects
1. Building Materials
The materials used to build a commercial building are typically very different from the ones used to build a house or condominium. This is because commercial buildings are usually much larger, which means they have to be reinforced with steel and concrete. A house can be built with a concrete foundation and bricks or even wood. The same is not true for a large, commercial building. Of course, the materials used to build an apartment complex are usually the same ones used in commercial construction. It is only for houses that different materials are used.
2. Scope
The scope of commercial projects is usually much larger than residential ones. This is because they are usually a lot bigger, involving more materials, manpower, and machinery. A large, industrial building can take years to build, whereas a house can take a few months. It is worth noting that apartment complexes are also usually huge undertakings. Some complexes are bigger than commercial buildings. You could argue that apartment complexes are commercial projects, though. This is because apartments are sold individually and the complexes themselves are built by wealthy real estate developers.
3. Manpower
A lot more manpower is needed to build a commercial building than a residential one. Because of this, these projects are typically a lot more expensive (and more difficult to manage). Every single person working on a construction project has to be watched to make sure that they are doing their jobs properly. Somebody also has to plan out every single step of the project to make sure that it is completed in a timely, efficient manner. It is typically architects that do this. Planning a large project that involves a huge workforce can be very difficult. The average residential architect cannot do this.
4. Permits
In order to complete a commercial architectural project, permits are needed. Most commercial projects take place in cities and towns. Because of this, developers need to receive permission to go ahead and start building. It is illegal to undertake any development project without obtaining the necessary permits first. The reason permits are needed is so that the town or city council can prepare for road closures and disruption. If, for example, a commercial project is being undertaken in a residential area, residents need to be warned in advance that there will be a lot of daytime noise so they can properly prepare. Residential projects do not need as many permits and in some rural areas are just a formality.
5. Equipment
You typically need a lot more equipment to complete a large commercial building project than you do a residential one. For example, commercial projects typically require cranes, diggers, and a whole host of other tools. Residential projects do usually need diggers, but rarely cranes. It’s a lot cheaper to complete a residential project, but at the same time, residential projects have a much smaller profit margin than commercial ones do. It is for this reason that wealthy developers typically prioritize commercial architectural projects since they can earn a lot more money from them.
6. Time to Complete
Commercial projects take a lot longer to complete than residential ones. This is because they are usually much larger and involve a lot more people. Typically, more permits are also required. Permits are not issued right away and construction projects often have to halt until they are issued. Because of this, commercial project planners have to account for delays, ensuring staff are compensated for periods without work. Residential projects conclude much faster and rarely experience delays of any kind, other than when inclement weather strikes.
7. Cost
It is cheaper for developers to build residential buildings than it is for them to build commercial ones. However, building commercial real estate can be a lot more profitable. Large commercial buildings can sell for almost ten times the amount of money that a residential one can sell for. Of course, this is not always true and apartment complexes can also be very profitable. Apartment complexes can sell for tens of millions of dollars in certain locations, i.e., major cities like New York and Los Angeles. Developers usually rent out a portion of apartments in complexes they build as well, allowing them to make even more money. They also charge ground and maintenance fees.
8. Uses
Come on projects are a lot more complicated and difficult to organize. This is because there are myriad uses for commercial buildings. Sometimes they are used for stores and other times gyms and indoor recreational areas. This makes planning commercial projects a lot more difficult and puts more pressure on architects since they have to ensure the buildings they design are attractive and functional.
Residential and architectural projects are very different. Whether you want to become an architect or want to hire one, educating yourself about the differences can make your life much easier. This post has covered some of them, though there are many more. The best person to talk to get a comprehensive understanding of their differences is an architect.
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