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Having cracks on your walls can be very unappealing. It can also be a sign of weak foundations or instability in the structure of the building. If they were just minor cracks, on the other hand, then you might not need to worry. There are many reasons you might have visible damage on your walls and knowing the different causes can help you determine how to handle them and prevent them from happening again.    


Types of Wall Cracks   


There are different types of wall cracks, and you can differentiate them into three categories: 


  1. Interior Wall Cracks   
  2. Exterior Wall Cracks   
  3. Foundation Wall Cracks    


While all three can show severe structural problems, you can determine it further if you look for the following:    


  • The shape and direction of the crack
  • The depth of the crack   
  • The main cause of the crack   
  • Whether the gap is getting bigger or deeper   


It would help if you always kept in mind that when the crack is gaping, it is the first sign of a structural problem. If you find a gap following the line of your brick walls, then it can also be a sign of a structural problem. You should also see if you can remove the brick from the wall because of the crack, because if you can, then it is time to call the experts.    


Causes Of Cracks on the Walls    


You can easily find cracks on the walls with the help of an expert. They will determine if it’s something serious or if you can plaster it yourself. If you are someone who wants to check up on your wall cracks first before calling in an expert, here are some things that might help you out.    


Structural Failure or Not?   


It would help if you did not lump up all the cracks on your walls as a sign of structural failure, as some can indicate minor or cosmetic issues. You can differentiate these easily by the width, length, and depth of the crack. While hairline cracks can be something you can plaster up, large gaping cracks are a severe problem. If you have big cracks on your walls and want to make sure, call in an expert.    


Climate Change   


Bizarre weather changes caused by climate change can affect the foundation and the walls in your building. It could be through flooding, drought, or extreme temperature changes that cause contractions and expansions of the soil, causing walls to crack. One way to protect yourself from things like this is to install fire-rated access panels for all surfaces with properties that can help limit weather effects on your building.   


Water Damage    


You might already be aware of water damage and the effects it has on the structure of your building. If you have leaky pipes, sudden flooding, and blocked gutters, there is a high chance that your property will suffer from water damage if you do not deal with it immediately.    


Poor Initial Design   


When your building has cracks from the earlier stages of its completion, you might want to check on the initial design. Cracks early on can mean a flaw in the construction and faulty materials. You should always make sure that you hire the right experts when it comes to construction.   


Degradation of Materials   


Another thing you should consider is the materials that are in use in your building. You should check on the materials of the building and see if there are signs of degradation like rust.    


Effects Of Cracks on the Walls    


Do you need to worry about the cracks on your walls? Calling an expert should be a priority if you have a checklist and see that the gaps are a structural problem. Other problems can occur without checking the cause or reasons for your wall cracks. Signs can include:    


  • Malfunctioning of windows and doors    
  • Nail popping   
  • Cracks in ceilings   
  • Uneven floor   


Can you Repair them?   


You can have many options when repairing the cracks on your walls if they are merely hairline cracks. You can quickly fix them with a seal or filler and then paint them. With cracks that show structural defects, on the other hand, you would need to call in an expert. The longer you wait, the more you would have to pay. Repairing big wall cracks can be done by doing the following:   


  • Restumping   
  • Reblocking   
  • Underpinning   
  • Leveling   
  • Demolition   
  • Reconstructing   


You should leave these things to an expert as you can end up with more damage and additional expenses if you attempt to do it on your own. You might also need multiple professionals’ help to ensure the problem will not persist.