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Choosing a man cave theme isn’t always easy. Look at these great inspiration ideas that are designed to suit different tastes and preferences.

Building a man cave is an exciting project that not only results in a great space to kick back and relax, but can also add value to your home too. If you have an unused basement, spare room, shed, or even a section of a garage that’s crying out for a conversion, a man cave is a great choice.

Once you’ve pinpointed where you’ll build your man cave, the real work begins. Your next step is to decide on a theme that suits your tastes, interests, and preferences, and works well in the space. Think about how you like to chill out, and what kind of décor matches this. It’s best to go with one purpose or concept for the space, otherwise it can look messy and disorganized.

Not sure what theme works for you? Here are some great theme ideas to get you inspired!


The Classic Sports Bar

It’s the most quintessential man cave theme for a reason. There’s nothing better than knowing you can watch the game uninterrupted on a big screen TV, while kicking back on your favorite recliner. Make sure you add in enough seating for your buddies, too. You guys can cheer as loudly as you like and watch the highlights again and again without getting in the way of the rest of the household. And don’t forget to include your own bar and stools in the room, along with all your favorite memorabilia on the walls as décor.


The Home Movie Theater

If you’re a film buff and want to get the cinema experience without leaving the house, then this is the theme for you. Mount a projector on the ceiling and create a smooth plain wall or install a roll-down screen on the opposite side. Then, get some big comfortable chairs and maybe a popcorn and slushie machine too. Don’t forget about decent speakers and plush carpeting on the floor and walls to complete the cinema feel.


The Gentleman’s Study

With so many people working from home these days, this kind of man cave is coming back into fashion big time. It’s also quite fun to have a study or home office that makes you feel like a powerful executive. Think dark wooden furniture, leather chairs, a fireplace and shelves full of books. The final touch—a drinks tray or even a mini bar, just like Don Draper would have in his office.

It’s all about luxury, class, and making a statement with the décor. Just make sure you feel at ease in the room and can relax as well as work in it. Some nice wingback armchairs are a perfect addition to any gentleman’s study.


The Man Spa

There is no reason women need to get all the pampering in their “me” time. A man cave that doubles as a home spa is the perfect place to completely unwind and relax. Soft lighting, comfortable settings, and a good music system are all critical elements.

You can also consider a juice bar that can double as a cocktail bar for times when you want to let loose a little. Depending on your budget, you can also look into installing a hot tub or a sauna for the ultimate in personal pampering.


The Gaming Room

There are plenty of ways you can set up a gaming room—the best computer equipment, the latest Xbox and TV, old-fashioned arcade games, a pool table, and casino games are just a few options. However you choose to fill the space, make sure you have the games you love to play, as well as the soft drinks or beers you like close at hand.

Don’t forget to include somewhere to sit and relax. Comfortable couches and a small bar will complete the man cave design.


The Music Jam

Whether you like to play, create, or just listen, this style of man cave can be a perfect haven for music lovers. If you’re going for playing or DJing music, then you should make sure you include some soundproofing and acoustic considerations in your design. That will make everyone happier in the long run. Then, you need to think about storage for all of your CDs, records and any memorabilia you might have. It’s great to have that on display on purpose-built shelves around the room. It’s a good touch if you can have a space for playing music and a space for relaxing and listening to music.

Whether you want a place to enjoy a couple of beers while watching the game, or where you can pamper yourself interruption, make sure your man cave looks the part.

Choose a theme that you feel comfortable with and that reflects your personality and then get decorating.