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Many people live with ants in their homes and do not bother about them. But this is likely due to the number of ants in their homes or businesses. An ant infestation can be scary and uncomfortable and pose many health risks. The risks may increase or decrease depending on the type of ant you’re dealing with and the rate of their population growth.

But if you’ve found an ant infestation at home or in your business, the first line of action is to contact a pest control near me service provider to have them inspect and address the problem. In certain instances, however, you may choose to approach the problem yourself. In such cases, you need a step-by-step guide to controlling or exterminating the ant problem to prevent further population growth.

Find below a step-by-step guide for dealing with ant infestations.


Identify the Ant Species

Ants are not all the same. There are different ant species, with some species requiring special pest control and treatment approaches for an effective result. The first step in your DIY ant extermination process is to identify the specific ant species in your home.

With advanced technologies, ant identification could be as simple as taking a picture and searching online. You can also describe the specific appearance of the ant in your online search to refine search results and improve results accuracy.

Once identified, you can choose to read more about the ants to know whether they are toxic, carriers of certain health risks and diseases, and their behavior or reproductive properties. The added information can help you in tackling the ant problem wholly and prevent its recurrence.


Eliminate Food and Water Sources

Ants, like every other pest, are attracted to the basic provisions for their survival. The increased population of ants on your property signals the presence of a comfortable shelter, food, and water. You can start by making your home or property less favorable to these pests by withdrawing food and water sources.

Food and water sources can be withdrawn by paying active attention to maintaining a clean and hygienic home, especially in your kitchen. You should pay attention to cleaning water and drink spills, food crumbs from cooking and eating, as well as other leftovers. You should also ensure that food wastes are properly bagged and disposed of appropriately in sealed garbage containers.

Food to be stored should be kept in air-tight containers or in the refrigerator.


Seal Entry Points

Dealing with ants can be exhausting. However, there’s a chance of recurrent infestation when the entry point is not sealed appropriately.

Start by inspecting your home for any potential entry points, such as gaps around windows and doors, utility pipes, and foundation cracks. Purchase sealing agents, weather-stripping products, or caulking materials to seal the identified entry points.

Sealing the entry points not only helps prevent future infestations but also contributes to your indoor air quality and insulation.


Consider Natural Ant Repellents & Remedies

Natural ant remedies and repellents may be a great way to rid your home of ant infestations. Some of the commonly used natural remedies include;

  • Sprinkle cinnamon, cayenne pepper, or black pepper around entry points and ant trails.
  • Place cucumber peels, citrus peels, or bay leaves near problem areas.
  • Use a mixture of vinegar and water to clean surfaces and disrupt ant pheromone trails.


Consider Setting Ant Baits

Natural remedies sometimes do not deliver the fastest results. You can combine natural remedies with other solutions like ant bait stations. Visit your local convenience store for commercially available ant baits and place them near ant trails or high-activity areas.

Ant baits often contain toxic chemicals that can be transferred by ants to others. This can help wipe out an entire ant population if applied correctly.


Consider Homemade Ant Baits

Homemade baits can also be thrown in the mix for effective ant control and extermination. An effective DIY homemade bait is made by mixing equal parts of borax and sugary substances like honey or syrup. Place small amounts of the mixture in shallow containers near ant trails but keep away from pets and children as the mixture can be dangerous.


Consider Natural Ant Killers

Certain naturally occurring substances like diatomaceous earth can act as natural ant killers. Sprinkle a small amount of diatomaceous earth near ant trails or areas where ants congregate. The powder will dehydrate and kill any ant that comes in contact.


Professional Pest Control

Sometimes, homemade recipes are just not enough to counter invasive ant infestations. In such instances, contact a locally known and reputable ant control company for a professional service. The services are often guaranteed, faster, and cost-saving.

With all the tips above, there’s no excuse to let ants frustrate your household. Take your pick and if all else fails, you may need to hire a professional pest control service.