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Moving house in any location can be daunting and quite stressful. The location you are moving from and to also determine the level of stress you are likely to encounter. Sydney is home to some of the most expensive and upscale neighbourhoods and homes in Australia. This therefore means that you should expect that there would be stringent regulations for the process of relocating from one residence to the other.

Unless you are a professional or you have confidence in your packing, unpacking and rearranging skills, you best bet for moving houses and settling in your new place is hiring a moving service.  Even if you enjoying packing and unpacking stuff, there are still many components involved in the process of moving which makes the services of a mover essential.

In this article, we will share a basic guide to getting the best movers in Sydney and how you can relocate in the city with confidence. Meanwhile you can visit https://www.thetravelpocketguide.com/ for some historical and fun facts about Sydney. 

Guide to Movers in Sydney

Everyone cherishes their belongings not only for the financial value but also for sentimental and practical values. Therefore it is imperative that care is taken during the process of relocating from one place to the other to ensure that those belongings get to the new location in one piece. That is why it is recommended that you hire a professional to make sure of this.

There are many professional movers in the city of Sydney which can make it challenging to find the right one for you. That is why we proffer these tips below to help make your selection process easier:-

Research Online or Ask for Recommendations

To start off the process of choosing a mover to hire, you need to either research online for available moving service in the city or you ask your friends, family or acquaintances for recommendations.  When you get recommendations from people you trust, it is somewhat easier for you to make a decision because you can rely on their experience with the service provider.

However, if you have to go online, then you need to carefully sieve through a good number of options before you settle for at least 3 that you would apply the rest of the tips with.

Request for an In-home Survey

When you have shortlisted prospective hires, ask them for an in-home survey. This is a survey that is conducted of your belongings to determine what the scope of the project will be. This will inform the estimate that the company will give you.

Do not go ahead to hire any moving company that refuses to do a pre-move survey before giving you an estimate. You are also expected to be open and honest with the prospective movers during the survey so that you can both agree on the scope of the job.

At the end of the pre-move survey, the company should give you an estimate in writing. The document should also spell out other terms and conditions of the contract.

Visit the Company’s Office

Visit the office of the company you want to hire. Bear in mind that legitimate movers in Sydney have physical offices that are well established. When you get to the office, have a detailed conversation with them and they should be willing to address any doubt that you have and also show you their infrastructure if you request to see them.

During your visit assess how you were treated by the customer care personnel and indeed every member of staff. This will give you a preview of what to expect in the course of working with them. Do not hesitate to ask them for their license to further clear any doubt about their legitimacy. You can also ask for references so that you can find out what past customers have to say about them.

Compare Prices

Take out time to go through the several quotes that you have collected and compare the prices. Note that the cheapest quote may not necessarily be the best; in fact any mover that gives you an inordinately low quote is suspect.

Try to find out what the average cost of moving is and for what type or range of services. This will help you evaluate all the quotes and determine which one will give you value for your money. 

Relocating in Sydney with Confidence


Properly planning is one way that you can relocate in Sydney with confidence. You cannot leave anything to chance so find below some tips to help you plan properly:-

  1. Have a checklist for everything that needs to be packed in each room.
  2. Pack a box of the essential things that you will need on your first day in the new home.
  3. Have a designated survival kit for the moving day. This box should contain first aid and anything that you feel will be useful on that day.
  4. Plan ahead so that you will be able to do everything on your check list and not forget anything.
  5. Plan your movement from the old house to the new one for off peak traffic periods.
  6. Take inventory of everything that you packed and confirm with the movers both at the old location and the new place.
  7. Take a picture of the setting of your rooms especially if you want to replicate same in your new place.
  8. Hang your clothes instead of folding them. This will help your set up your wardrobe faster.


There are many things that you may want to do prior to moving to a new place. The best way to ensure that you get to do them is to document every plan that you have to help you stay on track.  Relocating from one place to the other whether in Sydney or anywhere else in the world is not an easy task. However, we have shared some essentials that will help you have a seamless and stress-free move. We believe these tips will come in handy for when you need to move so bear them in mind.