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Your home is your fortress, your castle, your kingdom. It is the place that you come to after a long day of work and the location where you rest your head, make memories and create a family.  

For a number of reasons, your home is the center of your universe and that means that you want to keep it comfortable and in good shape at all times. And there are many ways to do that and, sadly, many ways to complicate matters and make your home feel far from perfect. 

One of the fastest and most stressful ways to make your house feel awful is to lose your heating and air conditioning system. Anyone who has been through a hot summer or a cold winter knows just how dreadful life can be without these two systems working to the best of their abilities, all year long. 

KTS Heating & Air Conditioning Repair is just one of the many companies that have saved families from sleepless nights and stressful days because of faulty heating and air conditioning systems. 

Everyone knows what heating and air conditioning bring to a house but let’s discuss some of the things that poorly-working systems take away from a home. We are going to create an honest, stark, and frankly frightening look at what your life can be like if your heating and air conditioning aren’t working.


Unreliable Temperatures

Imagine the middle of summer. You have just gotten home from time out in the sun with your family. Your body is tired, sweating has accumulated all over your body and you want nothing more than to come inside and rest in the air conditioning. But then you open the door and, sadly, you just feel stale and warm air. 

Or think of heading home in late December. The wind is whipping around, the snow is falling, and you’re incredibly chilly. But then you go home and you find that your house isn’t nearly as warm as you wanted. 

When you have heating and air conditioning in your house, you want to be able to rely on them. You want to be sure that the temperatures you seek are going to be delivered 24 hours a day, all year long. 

Sure enough, one of the most obvious and awful consequences of lacking heating and air conditioning is the inability to effectively control the temperature inside your house. During the winter months, without appropriate heating, the temperature inside can plunge drastically low which will cause extreme discomfort and even some health problems like hypothermia, especially for vulnerable groups such as the elderly or children. 

Meanwhile, in the summer, temperatures can rise to uncomfortable levels without air conditioning, which always results in heat-related problems such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke.


Poor Air Quality

You might not think about it often but the air quality of your home is incredibly important. It’s also something that we all take for granted. When you’re home, you just assume that what you’re breathing is safe and clean. Thankfully, you’re almost always right. 

But if your heating and air conditioning aren’t working properly, the quality of your air is going to plummet…and bring some health issues with it. 

Poor heating and air conditioning can definitely lead to poor indoor air quality for a number of reasons. Pollutants like dust, pet dander, pollen, and others will quickly build up in the house without the right amount and type of ventilation. After a while, this will cause some serious respiratory issues as well as allergies and other health problems. 

Plus, because air conditioning systems do not offer filtering, contaminants from the outdoors like car emissions can find their way inside, lowering the home’s air quality even more. Over a short period of time, exposure to these pollutants will raise the risk of heart and breathing issues, as well as other negative health effects. Having bad air quality in your home is one of the fastest ways to create some very troubling, scary, and dangerous health problems.


Extra Costs

You are paying a lot month after month. Your mortgage, your cell phone bills, your cable, your car – it all adds up and you’re putting a lot of money down every single month. You’re also paying for the energy that you use too. 

Here is something that not enough people think about: low-quality heating and air conditioning systems in your home could cost you a lot of money in multiple ways, including how much you spend on your monthly energy bill. 

The lack of proper heating and air conditioning will always result in much higher energy bills. Without the right heating and cooling systems working exactly as they should, household members have to use other forms of heating and cooling to maintain a comfortable home. They rely on items like space heaters or fans. And, sadly, these solutions are usually far less energy-efficient and typically result in higher electricity costs. 

Plus, you’re still paying for all of the energy that you use for your air conditioner or heater, even if it’s not working well. Therefore, you’re pumping money into a system that just isn’t delivering what it should.


Even More

But that’s not all, there are even more horrible consequences if your home doesn’t have fully functioning heating and air conditioning. For example, the health and well-being of the people living in your home could be negatively impacted. Illnesses and health disorders can spring up, especially with young children or the elderly. That alone should be the reason that you make sure your systems are working like they should. 

Another thing that some people don’t consider is the amount of moisture that will build up in your home if your heating and air conditioning isn’t working. Imagine your home’s windows being fogged up with condensation even on a relatively mild day. That doesn’t sound great, does it? 

The lack of heating and air conditioning in your home is a surefire way to make everyone living under your roof uncomfortable and, therefore, unhappy. This is why it’s essential that you do whatever you must to ensure that your home and the systems within it are working all year long.