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Nowadays, we are constantly bombarded with messages from the media and the government to ‘go green’. While this may seem like a latest fad, it is a good one and hopefully, this trend is here to stay.

We know the importance of walking when we can and always carrying our reusable shopping bags but are you aware of the environmental impact of cleaning products in our own homes? Not only can these have a negative impact on our planet but also on our own families.

GCC Facilities Management is working in partnership with environmentally friendly suppliers to make the switch to green cleaning and encourage others to do so. We asked them for some tips and information to share with you.

Firstly, what is green cleaning? This is replacing those traditional, often toxic, chemical cleaning products with a more natural-based one. This could be anything from creating your own home-made remedies or purchasing from companies who specialize in these.

It is a common misconception that green cleaning products do not provide adequate power to kill bacteria and provide you with the clean home you are used to. However, this is wrong, you can achieve the same effect as chemical products, you may just need to use a little more and put in slightly more elbow grease.

Below are 10 reasons why you should consider making the change to green cleaning in your own home.

1.  It Makes Your Home Safer

There are warning labels covering almost every cleaning product you own. Hazardous chemicals can be toxic or pose a fire risk if not used properly.

With so many red-flags shown before you have even opened the bottle, should you really be using this? Especially around children and pets who can be at even greater risk. Did you know that household cleaning products are one of the main reasons for calls to the National Poison Control Centre!

While we still recommend you keep these green products hidden away from small hands, if the kids do manage to get hold of them, the risks of any serious implications are dramatically reduced than if it had been chemicals.

2.  Better For Personal Health

When doing a deep clean, you may reach for protective gloves, not only to keep your hands clean from grime and dirt but also to prevent our skin coming in contact with chemical cleaners.

While we can never say for certain that no one will have an adverse reaction to green cleaning products, after all, we all react differently to various ingredients, the likelihood of irritation, headaches and rashes are dramatically reduced with the use of natural-based cleaners.

Those who suffer from asthma and other breathing-related conditions will also benefit. Many traditional cleaners contain monoethanolamine which can cause difficulties to those with conditions.

3.  Cleaner Air

Conventional cleaners can contribute to indoor air pollution. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), are often released into our homes within these chemicals and have been linked with liver, kidney and central nervous system problems.

It is estimated that many offices now have higher air pollution that outside and chemical cleaners are one of the biggest reasons for this. It is one of the biggest differences you will notice when switching to green cleaning.

4.  Positive Environmental Impact

One of the most important reasons. If you aren’t worried about looking after your own health, you should at least be concerned about our planet.

Cleaning chemicals are washed directly down our drains and water chemical plants can only remove a small percentage of these chemicals.

This then flows into our water and is ingested by marine life which can cause health problems and even death. If these animals do survive, they often end up as our own food.

So, rinsing chemicals down our drains can lead to us consuming these very same toxins.

5.  Saves Cash

You can save some money by switching to green cleaning, although the initial cost of purchasing these products is often higher than buying the conventional alternative, it will save in the long-run.

Many chemical cleaners are for one specific purpose and are not interchangeable. For example, a toilet cleaner may be too strong to use on a wooden surface top due to its corrosive nature.

Natural-based products do not have this issue and you can purchase one item for a myriad of jobs around the house.

6.  Easier Living

You don’t always have to use a commercial cleaner when choosing green cleaning. Many common household items can be turned into a cleaning product.

For example, vinegar can remove mold and mildew and also works as a fantastic window cleaner. If you are having visitors round and need to do a deep clean but have no time to run to the shop for products, simple raid your food cupboard.

7.  Giving Back

Most brands who create green cleaning products also have a conscious message and cause to support. Many of these manufacturers will support environmental charities worldwide and provide a percentage of their profits.

By choosing these eco-conscious brands, you are helping in more ways than one.

8.  You Know Exactly What’s In It

It isn’t the law to divulge what is in cleaning products and many chemical brands won’t. Although they are not required to, green cleaning products are far more likely to be transparent with their ingredient as they have nothing to hide.

You wouldn’t eat something with unknown ingredients so why clean your homes with it?

9.  You Can Help Others

Many consumers want to choose more eco-friendly products in their lifestyle but don’t know where to start.

If you actively help educate others once you have seen the benefits, this will help more people make the change.

10.              You Can DIY Everything

The great thing about green cleaning is you can save even more cash by making your own cleaners. You can find recipes online for almost everything and it’s no more difficult than following a simple cooking recipe.

This will also dramatically reduce plastic waste as you can use your own refillable bottle. Many chemical cleaners need to be contained in certain forms of plastic so the product does not corrode its container but these are often not recyclable.