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Winter is coming. Now, maybe you won’t have to concern yourself with ice zombies ushering in a deadly blizzard from beyond The Wall like in Game of Thrones. But sometimes, during those wintery months, when you have wrapped yourself like an Eskimo in three sets of blankets and slurped a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup, you might feel like you can relate to the inhabitants of northern Westeros.

Now, imagine your thermostat breaks. So now your house slowly morphs into an igloo. Then the misfortune of a leaking water heater tank befalls you, and you consequently can only take ice baths till the plumber arrives. You have no firewood outside for kindling, and you have not yet unpacked your parkas, toboggans, and mittens from the storage closet. The wind starts howling and the snow starts falling. Will the broth and blankets suffice to keep you and your family warm?

Perhaps this sequence of unfortunate happenings likely will not manifest except for only the most star-crossed wanderer, or neighbor. But the possibility of any one of these strokes of bad luck necessitates at least a modest level of preparation. How then do you effectively address this without breaking the bank?

Hint: It’s only two words.
Answer: Space Heater.



But What Is A Space Heater?


A space heater warms the air in an enclosed area. Like a room or office. Not the whole house. And like most things in the marketplace, different space heaters come with different “special features.” However, when it comes to brass tacks, you just want to know if the heater will work and how much it will cost you. Well, let’s briefly examine a few things.



What Type Of Heater Do You Need?


Most people probably have not familiarized themselves with the variety of heaters in the marketplace. In fact, most people might not realize how many even exist. This fundamentally boils down to a few different types of heating technology. You can search out more. But we will only review three.



This heater reliably raises the temperature of an entire room without any discrepancies. It uses convection currents to heat and circulate the air and follows the principle of thermal conduction.


This heater by design typically warms up only small areas and spaces but does it quickly! These are not the most cost-effective heaters for homes.


This heater has a fan that blows air over a heating element and then circulates that heat into the room. The simple design requires less electricity to function and thus mitigates cost.



Size Does Matter


Not all heaters are created equal. Some heaters function better in hotels and corporate offices. Other heaters function better in smaller, residential spaces. This essentially correlates to the wattage of the space heater. 1,500 watts will get the job done for a bedroom. Use that as a point of reference when searching for the right space heater.



“I Still Need To Afford My Electric Bill!”


You might think that energy conservation helps the environment. Yet, that monthly LG&E bill probably supersedes “eco-friendly benefits” when determining the right space heater for yourself. In other words, you want to save the planet. You just want to afford to pay your living expenses, too! Fortunately, you can purchase energy-efficient space heaters.


Less Is More


Space heaters do not entail much complexity. You will not have to peruse a three-inch thick instruction manual or program any software in order to operate a space heater. It usually has one plug to put in a wall outlet and comes with a single ON/OFF button. This leaves little room for confusion.

The simple design also reflects the elegance of minimalism. Space heaters will not distract anybody in the room, unless painted a peculiar color that does not match or blend well in the room. Then again, you do not purchase space heaters for decor. But that is a bonus!



Safety Is ON


Consider two more important words. No, not space heater. It’s fire hazard. If you have children, elderly parents, or pets that live with you, then you cannot emphasize safety enough in your home. Look for space heaters with built-in features that automatically turn off the heater if any of the internal components reach high temperatures. This isn’t some luxury, either. This is rudimentary and necessary.

Space heaters provide a great service when used with sensibility. But understand that space heaters also start more than 25,000 house fires every year. Don’t let that frighten you, because you can absolutely avoid this with a few simple rules. Don’t run a space heater overnight. Don’t run a space heater unless you’re in the same room. Don’t put it near flammable objects. Check the cord for cracks.

Simple rules like that.



“There’s One Thing I Hate: Oh The Noise, Noise, Noise, Noise!”


The world produces a lot of noise. Forget about the turboprop engine of a Boeing 747 jet. Something as comparatively trivial as a laptop can make your ears ring. Well, almost, anyways. All the hums and whistles and whines and growls surround you, from the washer and dryer to the refrigerator to the AC unit. No exception extends to a space heater. However, some space heaters produce considerably less sound than others. Just keep looking.



A Great Back-Up, Not A Replacement



Space heaters replace HVAC systems the way bicycles replace automobiles. They don’t. If your car breaks down, then you start pedaling the bike. That’s an emergency, and fingers crossed, it’s temporary. Same with space heaters. Use them for extenuating circumstances.


Remember, a space heater provides supplemental heat. So don’t cook meals or dry your clothes with it, and don’t overuse a space heater in lieu of your HVAC. It’s just not designed for that. It’s a high-grade backup plan for when you need one. A short-term fix. Not a long-term solution. But make sure you have one.