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Becoming a homeowner is a dream come true for many, but it can come with making tough decisions during difficult times, such as finding the right roofer. It can prove especially difficult after a storm destroys your roof. However, it’s best to avoid rushing into a decision and think it through. Consider these tips to help you find a trustworthy and professional roofing contractor to protect your house and finances.

1.    Look for Local Contractors

Prioritize hiring a local company because local contractors are usually familiar with and adhere to local building codes. This is crucial to ensure that your roof is installed correctly. This also avoids any complications during the inspection process, as the contractor will know all the local regulations and laws.

Avoid storm chasers who swoop in after major weather events and offer lower prices, as many typically prioritize quick profit over quality work and may not prioritize local codes or proper installation techniques. Consider contacting Port Orchard Roofing contractors if you’re local to the area.

2.    Check Google Reviews

Start by using Google to find “roofing contractors near me” which will bring up a list of local companies. Look at the reviews from these companies, but focus on those written recently in the last three to six months, which will give you the most recent customer experiences.

Online reviews can be biased, with some people being overly critical or praising a company more than necessary. However, they can still give you a general idea of the contractor’s quality of work and how they treat their customers.

3.    Check Their Insurance and License

Before hiring a roofing contractor, request to see these two key insurance policies: 

  • General liability insurance protects you from financial responsibility if the contractor accidentally damages your property during the roofing project. Without this coverage, you could pay for repairs out of pocket.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance protects you and your homeowner’s insurance from being liable for medical bills if a worker is injured while on your property. This insurance covers the worker’s medical expenses and lost wages in the event of a work-related injury.

The contractor’s insurance, such as health, life, or auto insurance, is not a substitute for these essential coverages. Licensed contractors typically have to pass a competency exam, which can indicate their qualifications.  Check with your local licensing authority to determine what licenses apply for roofing contractors in your region.  Keep in mind that a basic business license is just a tax requirement and doesn’t guarantee the contractor’s expertise.

4.    Compare Prices

Contact different contractors to receive quotes from each company. A good quote should break down everything in the project into separate line items, including roofing material costs, labor costs, and even cleanup fees. Here are some things to watch out for:

  • Missing or hidden fine print: A good quote should be transparent, easy to understand, and avoid estimates with unclear wording or hidden clauses.
  • Hidden fees: Beware of quotes that seem too good to be true. Surprise charges after the project starts are a sign to avoid that contractor.
  • Missing warranty information: A warranty is crucial for your new roof; disregard any quote without clear details.


Choosing the right roofing contractor is essential for ensuring a quality roof installed in your house that meets local codes and has longevity. Prioritize local contractors, check recent Google reviews, verify insurance and licenses, and compare detailed quotes. By following these tips, you can find a trustworthy contractor who will protect your home and finances, providing peace of mind for years to come.




Image Source:https://unsplash.com/photos/red-and-black-building-under-blue-sky-wmhhsI7GUQ8