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Have you noticed that rainwater, melting snow, and ice aren’t flowing out of your gutters like they should? It’s likely time to clean your gutters out. But rather than grab a ladder, you should hire professionals for this tough chore.

Climbing a ladder can be dangerous. When you’re standing up at great heights trying to pull soggy leaves, twigs, and debris out, it’s even more dangerous. If there’s a critter making itself at home inside your gutters, it’s bound to startle you, too, making it even easier to fall and suffer a serious injury.

Additionally, walking on your roof could lead to damage, which would result in leaks inside your home. You really don’t want to run that risk just to save some money. In the end, you’ll wind up spending more than you would have if you’d simply called a professional company for gutter cleaning Bellevue from the start.

Leaving this task to the professionals is the best way to go. Here are the reasons why it’s always best to hire professionals to clean your gutters.


A Matter of Safety

Every year in the U.S., there are over 164,000 injuries treated in the emergency room and 300 deaths from falls off of ladders. If you have a single-story home, you may be surprised to learn that most of the deaths caused by falls from ladders are from a height of 10 feet or less. Plenty of people break bones and suffer head injuries from falling off ladders at home. It’s best not to become a statistic or a cautionary tale.

You may not have the right ladder, fail to properly secure it, or set it on uneven ground. It’s not worth the risk of serious injury or death to scale up a ladder to clean your gutters. Professional gutter cleaners have the knowledge, experience, equipment, essential gear, and tools to perform this type of work in a safe and efficient way.


Inspection of Gutter System

Even if you can clear your own gutters, you may notice the subtle signs that your gutters are having problems. A small hole or gap in the seams can lead to bigger woes down the road. Gutter cleaning professionals inspect your system to ensure everything is properly attached. They also can make repairs on the spot if they find something wrong.


Saves You Time

Most people work a Monday to Friday workweek and have little time to spare during weekends. When you’re not experienced with gutter cleaning, it can take much longer than a professional who has the right tools at their disposal. Additionally, if you get hurt, you’ll wind up ruining your whole weekend. It’s a better idea to let professionals handle your gutters and enjoy the time you have with your family.


Protection for Your Whole Home

Even if you can manage to reach some of the clutter in your gutter, you likely won’t be able to get it all yourself without the proper equipment. When gutters and downspouts get clogged with leaves, twigs, and critters, water has no way of flowing away from your home during rainy days.

When the water has nowhere to go, it will pool on top of your roof. This can lead to rot and compromise the integrity of your roof. Water that always spills over the edge of your gutters rather than going through the system can disrupt your foundation, another expensive issue for homeowners.

Gutters that are filled with debris and stuck water become heavier, too. They will eventually sag, come apart, and fall off your home. In the end, it’s best to have that extra peace of mind that comes from hiring professionals who clean gutters every day.


Complete Assurance for Your Home

Most people don’t think about their gutters because they are usually out of your view or blend in with the aesthetic of your home. However, they serve a very important purpose of keeping your home in good condition throughout the years.

Without gutters, you’d have roof and foundation problems, which can be an absolute nightmare. Aim to have your gutters cleaned once or twice per year by professionals and you can rest easy knowing your property is in good hands.