The summer season is around the corner, and you’re probably wondering how to cool yourself during these hot months. You can go out for an ice cream, or you can buy a cold can of soda to freshen up, but in reality, you can only keep cool if you have an AC.
The market is filled with cooling devices that use different means of cooling, and it is a pain to choose the best AC for your home from all these types. So, we’re going to present to you some traditional and alternative cooling options, and hopefully help you make an informed decision to get cooler air.
Traditional Cooling Options
Starting to think of traditional options for cooling yourself, you’ll probably look at traditional ACs for windows, or portable ones maybe. But, you should also be looking for specific traits related to those options, like their cooling capacity, noise levels, and other specific things.
ACs for Windows
They’re a cost-effective solution, they’re efficient, and they save space. That’s why they’re somewhat popular. They’re easy to install and that’s what separates them from the rest, you just put them directly on the windows. Here are the other characteristics:
- Better ventilation: When you have a thing that’s throwing the inside hot air outside of your window, you know that the ventilation is better than in other similar solutions. It also accounts for a smaller loss of energy.
- Better use of space: There’s no need for the AC to take the space on the floor, it just takes up some space from the window, so it’s very economical in terms of space occupation.
- Easy integration: They’re easy to integrate with any room structure, and there’s no need to change the structure of the ceiling or the walls around it. Once you install it, it just blends into the frame of your window.
- Easy installation: The best thing is that you don’t need anybody but yourself to get the installation done. There’s no need to call a professional for this, there are even instructions in the box.
- Independent of window type: Whatever type of window you have, you can probably install an air conditioner for the window. There are plenty of types made for many window types.
Dual Unit ACs
Dual-unit ACs are very popular, they have flexible installation options, and tons of benefits follow this name apart from them operating quietly. There’s a comfortable environment in every room where you choose to install this AC. Apart from the fact that they’re very beautiful to the eye, they also have many benefits:
- Dual-units: Two units operate, one is a compressor outside the room, on the outer house or building wall, and one is an indoor unit. So, the outdoor unit compresses the air and the other part of it is the device that you can see inside.
- Selective cooling: You can choose the room to cool instead of wasting energy on all the areas. But, this is a more customizable solution that you can get.
- Quiet operation: You don’t get that level of noise because that loud thing, i.e. the compressor, is outside, and you can’t hear it. You can use them in any room because they have that quiet mode of operation.
- Advanced settings or features: You can operate some of them remotely, you can program a timer, or even have a customized AC with an air purifying solution. These provide many benefits.
Wall-Penetrating ACs
These particular ACs are not that practical, and they’re unique compared to other cooling solutions in their own sense. They have the space-saving advantage just like the window air conditioners, but there are some things specific to them:
- Permanent position: Once you install them on the wall, you’re placing them on that wall permanently. They’re good for places where windows are not available, but it’s not the best solution.
- Quiet mode of operation: This is an advantage for most systems like this, there’s a loud unit that’s just outside. It can be quite good for bedrooms or offices because it’s quite customizable.
- Better security: They’re more secure compared to the window air conditioners. It’s much more difficult to break in than it would be with a window air conditioner.
Alternative Cooling Options
Apart from the traditional cooling options, other, alternative options offer different sets of advantages. They’re more energy efficient than the traditional options, e.g. evaporative coolers work on water evaporation and are more cost-effective.
They’re also very environmentally friendly. So, if you’re looking to help reduce the 10% of greenhouse gas emissions that the traditional cooling industry is responsible for, you might opt for one of these solutions.
ACs That Use Evaporative Coolers
The evaporative air conditioner is probably the best and most eco-friendly personal cooling solution out there. It’s also a great room cooler if you get the right type. Of course, there are different kinds of ACs, small portable air conditioners probably work on evaporation. Here are some of their unique traits:
- The natural process of cooling: When water evaporates and air passes through it, it provides a cooling sensation. It’s simply refreshing for you, and your surroundings, but it mainly works for an individual.
- Very eco-friendly: It’s eco-friendly because it’s a natural process. It uses small amounts of electricity to fan the air through the cooling pads, but it uses water for cooling, the most environmentally unimpactful molecules.
- Humidity: Now, if you live in a rather humid area, these won’t do you much good, but if you live in a dry hot area, then this is perfect for you because it will increase the humidity for you so you can have a more natural environment, and to cool the air down.
- Open space operation: You can’t install a traditional air conditioner in an open space. You can, but it won’t do you much good. However, you can use evaporative coolers in open space.
- Easy maintenance: You can maintain them easily by replacing the cooling pads, and by making sure that you get the proper water supply to them.
Geothermal Systems for Cooling
These systems are also used for heating. They’re not portable air conditioners like evaporative ones, but they can make your home a comfortable environment. Their cooling capacity is large because the excess heat is rejected into the earth, at least in ground source heat pumps.
Picking the Right AC
Try to understand what each of these types of air conditioners are like before getting any one of them. To make a good decision and pick the most effective air cooler, you should consider:
- Cooling capacity: This depends on the room size or the general size of what you’re trying to cool down. If you’re just cooling one room, it might be good to go with any portable air conditioner that we mentioned, perhaps a portable evaporative cooler.
- Noise levels: Some devices have quiet work modes, but they aren’t portable probably. So, think about that because room air conditioners have a compressor that can be quite loud.
- Environment: Always think about the environmental impact. I.e. you can install a water pump for cooling and you’ll have a small impact on the environment and a central air conditioning system.
- Cost: If you’re running a business, a central system would be beneficial, but if you’re just looking to cool yourself while you’re working, you should get an evaporative cooler AC, you can pick any of the air conditioner sizes as long as they’re not too large for your needs.
When you know these particular types of cooling devices make a better decision. The only other thing is figuring out the purpose and the size of the space these devices are going to cool. Think about the cost, noise levels, the environment, and the cooling capacity.
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