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There’s no doubt that humanity is causing irreversible damage to the environment; we have always plundered Mother Earth but it is only since the Industrial Revolution that we have had the capability to cause global damage. Some think that their individual efforts to reduce their carbon footprint is not going to change anything but we believe that together, we can make the changes needed to save the planet.

Here are a few tips to reduce your carbon footprint at home.

  • Energy-saving appliances – Today’s generation of domestic appliances are very energy efficient; a cutting-edge heat pump can help keep your home cool by using very little electricity. Install a state-of-the-art HVAC system and you become part of the solution, not the problem.


  • Go solar – New Zealand enjoys hundreds of hours of sunshine and that makes it perfect for solar panels; the latest generation can harvest energy on cloudy days and once you install a solar energy system in your home, you are free from the steely grip of the energy corporations. The NZ government offers financial incentives for homeowners to switch to clean and renewable energy and this offer won’t be there forever! Recoup your investment in 5-7 years, depending on the size of your home.


  • LED lighting – Low input light emitting diodes use much less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and while they might be more expensive, they last for at least 50,000 hours and you will save in the long run. Both exterior and interior LED lighting have much to after aesthetically, with unique colours and LED strips that transform a space.


  • Indoor plants – How about a few lush green exotic plants placed around the home? This will help to purify the air and is said to elevate mood. As beings of this planet, we need to maintain a healthy connection with nature and caring for plants is a soothing experience that we all should experience. Search the web for flora and fauna that is suitable for indoors and take a trip to your local nursery. Click here for a few upgrades that add value to a property.


  • Rainwater harvesting –Why not collect rainwater by installing a system? Google can take you to the website of a local NZ company that supplies and installs rainwater harvesting systems.


  • Unplug electrical appliances when not in use – Most people leave the TV and computer on standby, which actually uses power; better to unplug devices and appliances when not in use, which also reduces the risk of fire. Once you do this for a couple of weeks, it will become second nature and teach your kids to do the same. It is important that we educate the younger generations about the environmental crisis we are all facing. They are the future, the people that will solve the problem if we teach them properly.


If you use your creativity and search the web, you can find many ways to reduce your carbon footprint and make the home an eco-friendlier place for you and your family.