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Photo: https://unsplash.com/photos/g51F6-WYzyU

Bathrooms are such underrated and neglected rooms, even though we spend a lot of time there taking care of our needs and pampering our bodies and souls. So, if you’re tired of your bland and cheap-looking bathroom, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and give it a little remodel. And don’t worry, you can make your space look expensive even if you’re working with a shoe-string budget. Here are some ingenious tricks that will turn your bathroom into a luxury resort spa. 

Maximize your space

If you don’t have a lot of square footage in your bathroom, don’t try to cram too many things in there. Maximize your floor space by investing in wall-hung toilets, sinks and cabinets for a smart illusion of extra footage. Tiny bathrooms can also benefit from square shower trays since they take little space yet don’t create that uncomfortable crammed-in feeling as you shower. 

The key is in lighting

It’s amazing what a difference lighting can make for a space, especially for a space like a bathroom that usually doesn’t get natural light. In order to make your bathroom look expensive and designer, consider adding some inexpensive around-the-mirror illumination. Combine it with floor level lighting for late-night bathroom breaks, and you’ll have an impressive lighting arrangement for very little money. 

Get a bath

Baths always give off that lux vibe many of us crave. However, they are notorious space-wasters and not many small apartments can spare enough space to accommodate a bath. In that case, you can forget about a regular tub and opt for something beautiful and practical like a deep slipper bath. No matter if you’re aiming for that classic look or a very modern and minimalist vibe, this type of bath model will almost always fit into your space. Accompany your bath with a small side table for pampering products and an aromatherapy candle and voila—instant luxury!   

Think portable

In many areas on the planet, the bathroom serves multiple purposes. If you simply can’t cram your dryer or other appliances into your bathroom without it looking awkward and uncomfortable, consider getting portable models. For instance, there are practical portable clothes dryers that can be moved and removed as you need them. This way, you can have easy access to your dryer in the bathroom yet simply remove it to your garage or other storage space when you have people over and you want to make an impression. You can also find portable towel dryers and space heaters that can easily be hidden to create a more spacious, elegant and minimalist vibe. 

Refresh your tiles

It would be nice to have marble all over your bathroom, but not many of us can afford this lux material. Luckily, there are great stone imitations with that recognizable porcelain marble effect that won’t cost an arm and a leg. For small bathrooms, it’s best to opt for large profile tiles with little grout—this creates an illusion of extra space.

Add some plants

Plants in the bathroom? Yes, really! Some greenery in hanging galvanized planters will draw the eye upwards and make all visitors forget about your tiny square footage (if you have some space to spare, don’t hesitate to go big with your plants). Also, a pop of green is always a lux way to break the monotony and evoke that tropical resort vibe. Just some of the plants that love the humid climate of bathrooms are aloe vera, Boston fern and various types of orchids. 

Go big with storage

No matter how hard you try with baths, lighting and tiles, a messy bathroom will never look expensive. Even towers of clean towels that might look attractive in big bathrooms will make your small space look crowded. So, don’t hesitate to go big with storage space, especially closed storage that allows you to hide all your mess. Clean and tidy counter and shelves with only one or two products will open up the space and allow you to breathe easily knowing you don’t have to watch your elbows and risk a domino effect of falling shampoo bottles. 

Just because you don’t have extra money lying around to spend on expensive tiles or just because you don’t have the square footage for a 3-person Jacuzzi, it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve luxury in your bathroom. With these renovation tips, you can have a champagne bathroom on a lemonade budget.