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Are you tired of wild animals causing trouble? Animal Control Solutions can help. Our guide shows how to keep those pests away for good. Keep reading!

Understanding Nuisance Wildlife and Pest Problems

Nuisance animals like skunks, raccoons, and squirrels can cause big problems. They get into trash, damage homes, and spread disease. This wildlife control issue is not just in Bozeman or Big Sky but all over.

Animals look for food and shelter, leading them to our spaces.

Effective animal control solutions keep these pests away without harm. Since 2008, experts have used traps and other safe methods to fix these issues. They make sure bats, snakes, and more are moved carefully.

This helps people live safely without hurting the animals.

Wildlife belongs in the wild, not in our homes.

Effective Animal Control Solutions

Finding ways to manage wild animals and pests can be tricky. Yet, effective animal control solutions exist. These methods help keep these creatures away from our homes safely and wisely.

Live capture tools, barriers to block entry, changing the environment, or using substances that animals dislike are all smart moves. Each strategy aims to solve the problem without harm.

This way, we live in harmony with nature while keeping our spaces safe and peaceful.

Live trapping and relocation

Live trapping and relocation safely move nuisance animals without harm. This method respects wildlife and solves pest problems. Here’s how it works:

  1. Identify the animal, like a groundhog or bat, causing trouble.
  2. Choose the right size trap for the animal.
  3. Place traps near where the animals live or eat.
  4. Use bait that appeals to them, such as fruits for groundhogs.
  5. Check traps often to avoid stress on trapped animals.
  6. Once caught, cover the trap to calm the animal.
  7. Call a professional animal control services for help relocating.
  8. Release animals in a suitable habitat far from homes.
  9. Repair entry points to prevent return visits.

This approach requires patience but ensures safety for all involved.

Next, we’ll look into exclusion techniques…

Exclusion techniques

After capturing and moving animals, we stop more from coming in. We use exclusion techniques to keep them out.

  1. Seal entry points: Close all small holes and gaps where bats, ground hogs, and other pests can get inside. Use metal mesh or concrete to block these areas.
  2. Install chimney caps: Put caps on chimneys to stop birds and bats from making nests there.
  3. Use vent covers: Cover vents with strong wire mesh to keep squirrels and mice out.
  4. Repair damaged roofs: Fix any broken parts of your roof to prevent raccoons and other animals from getting in.
  5. Remove food sources: Keep trash cans sealed and don’t leave pet food outside. This helps keep wild animals away.
  6. Trim trees close to the house: Cut branches that are too close to your home so animals can’t jump onto the roof.
  7. Install fence barriers: To stop digging animals like ground hogs, bury fences 1-2 feet into the ground around your garden or home.

These steps help keep wildlife out of your home for good.

Habitat modification

Habitat modification keeps nuisance wildlife away. It makes areas less inviting for pests.

  1. Clear dead trees and bushes. Animals like bats find these spots perfect for living.
  2. Keep grass short. Tall grass is a hiding place for animals.
  3. Use fences around gardens. This stops animals from eating plants.
  4. Secure trash cans with tight lids. It stops pests like raccoons from searching for food.
  5. Remove standing water. Mosquitoes lay eggs in water.
  6. Plant things that animals don’t like to eat around your property edges.
  7. Reduce outdoor lighting at night, as it attracts insects and the animals that feed on them.
  8. Trim tree branches near your house, as they can offer access to your home for various pests.

These steps help in controlling pests in a safe way, fitting the animal control solutions theme without using harmful methods.

Use of repellents

After transforming the outer vicinity of your home, the following action is to utilize deterrents. Deterrents serve effectively in warding off undesirable creatures. Here are methods for their application:

  1. Opt for organic deterrents to maintain a secure yard. Instances comprise peppermint oil for mice and soap bars for deer.
  2. Disperse artificial deterrents around your garden’s perimeters. Such substances render plants unappetizing for nuisances like rabbits.
  3. Resort to ultrasonic tools for repelling birds and bats. These contrivances emit frequencies inaudible to human ears but are unsettling for creatures.
  4. Set up sprinklers activated by movement. They spurt water at the detection of motion, frightening away raccoons and squirrels.
  5. Disseminate predator’s urine, such as that of a coyote or fox along the boundaries of your property. This ploy convinces nuisances that predators are in proximity.
  6. Suspend reflective tapes or discs in trees to discourage birds from approaching fruit trees.

Each strategy is aimed at various nuisances, ranging from skunks to armadillos and snakes. Don’t forget, experts in pest management can assist in challenging situations like bat removal or when animals persist despite deterrents. They possess the required training, licensing, and insurance for these operations.


Professional Wildlife Removal Services

When pests become a big issue, professional wildlife removal services step in. They come fast to help and make sure animals are taken away without harm, following rules for animal care.

Humane handling and removal

Right after we respond in an emergency, we focus on humane handling and removal. This means we carefully catch and remove animals without hurting them. Our team uses tools like cages to safely trap the wildlife.

Then, we find a new place for them to live that’s far from your home.

We follow laws about wildlife care very closely. Each state has rules about which animal goes where. We make sure to move them to a spot where they can thrive again, keeping both you and the animals safe.

Compliance with local wildlife laws

After ensuring humane removal, it’s crucial to follow local wildlife laws. These regulations protect both people and animals. Our team knows these laws well. Since 2008, we’ve followed them in every job.

We’re licensed, bonded, and insured. This means we do our work safely and legally.

For any animal control solution or pest control service, knowing the law is key. Different areas have different rules about trapping or moving wildlife. Our experts make sure they don’t break any laws while solving your problem.

They use safe methods that are good for both you and the animals.



Dealing with nuisance wildlife and pests needs the right approach. Live traps, exclusion methods, changing their habitat, and repellents work well. Professionals offer quick help, treat animals kindly, and know the laws.

This keeps homes safe and animals out of trouble. For problems with bats, skunks, or raccoons – call experts for peace of mind. They find solutions fast and follow rules to protect everyone involved.