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Furnaces are an efficient way to keep your home warm and snug in the colder months, but they’re also expensive. To ensure that you make the most out of your new furnace, you should invest a decent amount of time into finding the right one.

There are several important things you need to consider before buying a furnace. As most people aren’t experts on the subject, they don’t know what they should be looking out for.

That’s why we’ve written this article today to help anybody with this predicament. Keep reading to learn some of the basics you need to know about buying a furnace.

Furnace Types

There are basically two main types of furnace; split system furnaces and packaged system furnaces. Packaged systems offer you all of the functions in one large unit, which is usually placed outside the home. Split system furnaces are made from a condensing unit and a coil which sits atop the furnace, meaning that the parts of the unit are all separate. If you live in a smaller home, you shouldn’t buy a split system furnace – instead, you’ll need to invest in a packaged system furnace. This way, the heating system is all contained in one outdoor unit, which saves on space. That said, furnace types and popularity will vary greatly depending on on where on the globe your live.  If you live in a climate that sees a lot of cold and snowy months, your home will be heated differently than someone who lives in a warmer climate and only needs auxillary heat a few times during the year.

Fuel Source

Different furnaces require different fuels. Most central heating systems are powered by either gas, electricity or oil. Oil heating can be messier and may be more expensive to maintain and run overall. Electricity is a better fuel source, but it is still quite costly. As such, many people consider gas furnaces to be the most economical solution for central heating systems.  Natural gas and propane gas are often two ‘gas’ options, again depending on where you live.

Air Filters

Furnaces have blowers which circulate either warm or cool air throughout your home to regulate the temperate. As a result, if the air filters in your furnace blowers aren’t regularly replaced, then you could ruin the indoor air quality of your home. For example, if the filter is clogged, then the blowers might start circulating dirt and dust, which is bad for your health and for the life of your furnace. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about this happening with FilterBuy filters. Using this excellent supplier, you can find a high-quality filter which is the perfect size and right brand for your furnace.

Proper Installation

When it comes to installing your furnace, don’t automatically choose the cheapest option. Not only will this likely cost you a lot more money in the long run but also put your home and family at risk. For this reason, we recommend hiring a skilled contractor who is licensed (where required) and specializes in installing furnaces. This approach will also ensure that your central heating system is working as efficiently as possible.

Check the Warranty

These are some of the main things you need to consider before buying a furnace for the centralized heating system in your home. We hope this article has cleared some things up for you and helped you to understand what you need to consider when buying a new furnace.

If you are unsure about what type of heating unit is best for your home, consider hiring a professional HVAC contractor to come to your home to evaluate your needs.  Many professionals will perform and energy assessment of your home and then discuss options.  It could be a good investment in the long run to be sure you’re buying the right furnace for your needs.