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If you’re enjoying your smart home, and you want to take advantage of all its capabilities to boost your mental health, this is the article for you.  

Smart homes aren’t just about convenience and security, they are life changers for the people who know what to look for. Mental health is becoming a priority for a lot of people all over the world, and technology can help, especially when you understand what you signed up for.  

The global smart home market is predicted to grow past $170 billion by 2025. This means that the technology keeps improving, and by integrating it with AI, the possibilities are endless.  

Keep reading and find out how to put your smart home to good use. 


Smart lighting

In your smart home, one of the most basic devices to have is smart lights. Believe it or not, light can play a crucial role in our mood. It’s all about color, intensity, and temperature. That’s why so many people hate houses with cool lights, and why so many others are against using “the big light” at all, preferring to turn on smaller, warmer lights all around the environment.  

So, circling back, you can take advantage of smart lighting with these options: 

Circadian Rhythm Lighting

If you’re looking to regulate your circadian rhythm, it’s a good idea to adjust your light’s intensity and temperature as the day goes by. Try to imitate the natural light’s patterns so that your body can rest better. 

Mood Lighting

Different lighting for different activities can be fun and calming. For example, warm and dim lights can be used to watch TV or relax, while colors and bright lights are good for parties. Create the environment to enhance your mood! 


Taking advantage of sound

Sound is even more subtle than light, but it can affect your mental health much the same way. Smart home devices can help you since they give you control over your auditory environment. 

White Noise and Nature Sounds

If sounds like traffic or construction bother you, or you simply suffer from anxiety, playing white noise nature sounds, or any other calming audio, can help a great deal. It helps your mind focus on the nearest sound, taking it away from the one that’s upsetting you. 

Personalized Playlists

Your smart speakers can play your favorite music whenever you want. You can create playlists that help you get chores done, or maybe one that lifts your spirits or helps you meditate. Music therapy has hundreds of benefits and with a smart house, you can experience some of those. 


Voice-Activated Assistants for Mental Health

From 2022 to 2024, smart devices per household rose from 6 to 10 in the US. That’s why, nowadays, voice-activated assistants like Google, Siri, or Alexa can do a lot more than just answering questions or listening to jokes.  

These devices can support your mental health. 

Guided Meditation and Mindfulness

If you’re into meditation, you can find some great guided meditations and play them as you do yoga or go about your day. It’s been proven that meditation improves your mental health. 

Daily Affirmations

Daily affirmations can help you set the mood for the day in the right way. Start your mornings on a positive note and enjoy the benefits of a voice assistant in your house. 


Smart Home Security and Peace of Mind

When your home is safe, you have peace of mind. If you own a smart security system, you can put some of that anxiety to rest. 

Remote Monitoring

You can watch what’s happening in your home with a smart security camera. You can check on your pets, your children, and other family members throughout the day, and get them help if necessary. With a Surfshark VPN service, you can also ensure that all your devices connected to the internet are protected against cyberattacks, so no one else gets to spy on your life. 


Final thoughts

Taking advantage of tech can improve your mental wellbeing. Organize your environment, play your favorite songs, and take care of your family even if you’re away. Tech is there to help, you just need to take that step.  


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-sitting-on-sofa-while-looking-at-phone-with-laptop-on-lap-920382/