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Everyone has experienced the defeat of sitting around a pile of loose furniture pieces with screws missing and broken dreams. Assembling furniture can be one of the more difficult home tasks, but it has to be done if you want to have a sofa to sit on or a dining room table to eat at. If you have struggled in the past with the best ways to assemble new furniture, read the six tips below to help guide you through your next assembling endeavor.

Invest in Good Tools

You won’t get anywhere with the flimsy tools that come in the box with the pieces of furniture. It is worth investing in some quality tools from the hardware store to help you with all of your construction needs. These should include both a Phillips head and flathead screwdriver, a handheld drill, a hammer, heavy-duty gloves to avoid injury, pliers, and an adjustable wrench. With these tools at your disposal, you will have an easier time putting furniture together than without. 

Once you have bought a toolkit with all of these tools, you will find that they come in handy for many other household projects as well. This is especially true if you have just moved into a new home and you have a lot of wall decorations to put up and other pieces of furniture to assemble down the line.

Hire an Expert

Not everyone has a knack for these kinds of things nor do they have the hours in the day to learn. If you live a busy life and don’t have time to sit around for hours and try to put together a table or a bedframe, then it is simple to find expert furniture assembly services in your area. They will come to your house when your furniture arrives and expertly assemble all of the furniture you need. This is a great idea for when you first move to a new place and you need to assemble all of the new furniture at once so that your house is livable.

Read the Instructions thoroughly

Skipping steps or just winging it can lead to furniture that is not assembled correctly and may be a hazard to you and your family. There are assembly instructions for a reason, so make sure to go through them, step by step, and read each instruction thoroughly. Some steps require specific tiny pieces that you may not realize are important until you are finished and there is a pile of assorted screws or bolts that are missing a home. 

Ignoring the instructions or just skimming over them might also risk the sturdiness of your furniture. If a piece of furniture is assembled incorrectly, it could be wobbly or unsafe for people to use. It may also fall apart more quickly than a correctly assembled piece of furniture because the screws may not be screwed in tight enough or pieces may be missing.

Allow Yourself Space

Some furniture assembly requires a bit of space so you can spread out all of the materials. If you are building a big table or a bunch of chairs, you will need a relatively large area so that you can look at all of the big pieces of wood and walk around the area as you fit them together like puzzle pieces. 

It is also good to have a lot of space if there are multiple people working on the assembly process together. If you are trying to do this in a tight space, tensions can get high and frustrations will build. The best choice is to assemble the piece of furniture in the room where it will live because then you do not have to worry about maneuvering it through door frames after it’s assembled. If that room is already full of other furniture, push it all up against the walls so that you have a big open space in the middle of the room. 

Sort Everything Out Before Starting

When you open a box or boxes that contain different parts of furniture, the materials are all sorted into different bags. These bags should be laid out in order on the floor according to the instructions so that once you start, you have everything laid out in front of you. This will include hardware like nuts, bolts, screws, washers, etc.. if you want to get really organized, you can sort them all into little containers or bags because most of the time they come all mixed together. This will help you to quickly find specific pieces instead of having to fish through a mixed bag every time.

As for the bigger parts like the separated pieces that make up the whole piece of furniture, you should sort them by size or by which pieces you will need first according to the instructions. This will help you avoid confusion and frustration.  

Test Out the Final Product

Before placing the piece of furniture in its designated spot in your home, test out its sturdiness and stability. You can do little tests like going over the security of all of the screws and checking for wobbliness. Little checks throughout the assembly process are also important to make sure that each step looks like the drawings in the instructions. This will ensure that the final product is sturdy and will last for years to come. 

To make sure that the furniture is to your liking, test it out by using it. If it’s a sofa or chair, take a seat. If it doesn’t collapse onto the floor, then you did a good job. As for tables, press down on them and move them from side to side to test the stability of the legs. If they don’t wobble, then the table is ready to be used as an essential piece of furniture in your home.


Assembling furniture can be a time-consuming and frustrating task, so follow these practical tips to reduce your stress during the process and get the job done quicker than your experiences in the past. Once you are done, you will feel proud that you have newly assembled furniture that will complete your home.