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Pull up a chair, and let’s chat about one of my favourite ways to spruce up a home – painted doors! I know what you’re thinking: “Doors? Really?” But trust me, this simple change can make a world of difference. So grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if that’s more your style), and let’s dive into the colourful world of painted doors!

Why Painted Doors Are My New Obsession

Okay, I’ll let you in on a little secret. A few years back, I was house-sitting for my cousin. Her place was nice, but it felt a bit… blah. You know the feeling, right? Anyway, I was bored one weekend and surprised her by painting her bedroom door a gorgeous teal colour. When she came back, she was over the moon! That’s when it hit me – painted doors are like magic wands for interiors.

Since then, I’ve been on a mission to spread the painted door gospel. I’ve experimented with colours, finishes, and styles. I’ve even ordered a custom door from a wood door factory in China (more on that adventure later). And now, I’m here to share all the juicy details with you!

The Power of Color

Mood Makers

Colors have this incredible ability to affect our mood. It’s like they speak a secret language to our brains. A bright yellow door can make you feel sunny and optimistic, even on a gloomy Monday morning. A deep blue can create a sense of calm and tranquility – perfect for a bedroom or home office.

Space Transformers

Here’s a cool trick I learned: painted doors can actually change how you perceive a space. Dark colors can make a door recede, giving the illusion of more space. Light colors can make a room feel airier and more open. It’s like interior design magic!

painted doors

Choosing Your Perfect Door Color

Alright, so you’re sold on the idea of painted doors. But now comes the fun (and sometimes overwhelming) part – choosing a colour! Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.

Consider the Room’s Vibe

Think about the feeling you want in each space. Is it a cosy reading nook? Maybe a rich, warm colour like burgundy or forest green would work. A kid’s playroom? Go wild with bright, cheerful hues!

Test, Test, Test

Here’s a pro tip: always, ALWAYS test your colours first. Paint a small section of the door or use a large piece of paper. Look at it in different lights throughout the day. Trust me, what looks perfect in the store can look completely different in your home.

DIY vs. Professional: My Paint Job Disaster Story

Okay, confession time. Remember that custom door I mentioned earlier? Well, when it arrived at the wood door factory in China, I was so excited that I decided to paint it myself. Big mistake. Huge.

I didn’t prep the surface properly, used the wrong type of paint, and ended up with a streaky, bubbly mess. It was a disaster. I had to call in a professional to fix my botched job, and boy, did I learn my lesson.

So, here’s my advice: if you’re confident in your DIY skills and have the time, go for it! But if you’re like me and tend to get a bit… overzealous, it might be worth calling in the pros. They know all the tricks to get that smooth, professional finish we all drool over.

Beyond Solid Colors: Get Creative!

Who says you have to stick to one solid colour? Not me! Here are some fun ideas to take your painted doors to the next level:

Ombre Effect

Create a gorgeous gradient effect by blending two or more colors. It’s easier than it looks and adds a real wow factor.

Patterns and Stencils

Feeling artsy? Try adding patterns or using stencils. Geometric shapes, florals, or even quotes can turn your door into a true piece of art.


Paint the panels of your door a different colour than the frame. It’s a subtle way to add interest and depth.

Maintenance: Keeping Your Doors Looking Fresh

Now that you’ve got gorgeous painted doors, you’ll want to keep them looking their best. Here are some quick tips:

  1. Clean regularly with a mild soap and water solution.
  2. Touch up any chips or scratches as soon as you notice them.
  3. Consider a clear topcoat for high-traffic areas to protect the paint.

Wrapping It Up

So there you have it, my friends – the wonderful world of painted doors! It’s such a simple change, but it can completely transform your space. Whether you go bold and bright or soft and subtle, painted doors are an awesome way to inject some personality into your home.

Remember, your home should be a reflection of you. So don’t be afraid to experiment, have fun, and let your creativity shine through those painted doors!


Can I paint any type of door?

Generally, yes! Wood, metal, and even some composite doors can be painted. Just make sure to use the right primer and paint for your door material.

How long does it take to paint a door?

Including prep time, painting, and drying, expect to spend about a day on each door. But the transformation is worth the wait!

What type of paint is best for doors?

Semi-gloss or gloss paints are great for doors. They’re durable, easy to clean, and add a nice shine. Just make sure to choose a paint specifically formulated for interior or exterior use, depending on where your door is located.