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There are many practical home improvement tips out there. However, many focus on fixing or beautifying a specific part of your house, such as repairing roof leaks and decorating front doors. Here are five practical home tips that people often ignore, even though they can significantly improve their home maintenance routine.

1. Keep an emergency fund for home repairs

Your home can sustain damage from various sources, from natural wear and tear to pests such as termites. Every year, termites actually cause billions of dollars in structural damage, and property owners spend over two billion dollars to fix them. It’s a good idea to save cash today so you are ready for structural repairs in the future. 

A general guideline is to save 1-3% of your home value each year. For example, if your home is valued at $500,000, you should save $5,000 to $15,000 for your emergency fund annually. However, everyone’s financial situation is different, so just save what you can. 

Average Repair Cost: The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia estimates that the national aggregate cost of addressing reported housing deficiencies was $126.9 billion in 2018, with an average repair cost of roughly $2,920 per household.

2. Duplicate your keys

No matter how careful and organized you are, you can still lose your keys. They can slip out of your pocket, or you can leave them on a restaurant table. You only think about duplicating your keys when it’s already too late. Duplicate them now with a key copier. 

Duplicate keys are not just for backups. They are also for accessibility, especially during emergencies. A house member can get locked in a room while injured or need immediate medical attention. In these cases, extra keys are life savers.

3. Label your circuit breakers

Most home electricity tips focus on energy efficiency and safety, but labeling your electrical panel should be included in your priorities. When you know which circuit breaker controls which part of your house and appliance, electrical maintenance routines are easier to manage. 

Turn off your main power, then turn on one circuit breaker at a time to know which appliances, lights, and outlets it covers. Label each circuit breaker with the corresponding room and item.

woman writing on pink clipboard

Image from: pixabay.com

4. Create a home item inventory

There should be a way for you to track all your possessions. This can be useful in fires, income tax return filings, insurance claims, and theft. A simple pen and paper are enough to create a home item inventory. Start with one room and move on to the next until you cover your entire house. Here is a general item checklist to give you an idea of how to easily track items: 



Category Item Examples


Furniture, Bedding, Electronics

Bed frame, bed sheets, alarm clocks

Living Room

Furniture, Electronics, Decor

Sofa, television, picture frames


Appliances, Cookware, Dinnerware

Refrigerator, pots, plates


Fixtures, Toiletries, Linen

Showerhead, soap dispenser, towels

5. Track your home routine maintenance

Some people maintain their homes only as a reaction to damage. Don’t wait for your house to break down. Do use a pond sealant before water leaks through your wooden pond. Unclog your gutters before they damage your roof. 

Your home needs regular maintenance to keep it in optimal condition. Track your home maintenance routine with a calendar. Here are common routine tasks you need to track, together with their frequency and benefit: 




Changing HVAC filters

Every three months

Improves system efficiency

Checking for pests

Every six months

Prevents infestations

Cleaning gutters

Every six months

Prevents roof damage

Inspecting roof

Every year

Detects problems immediately

Servicing appliances

Every year

Prevents electrical malfunctions

Trimming greeneries

Every year

Prevents overgrowth

The frequency of these maintenance tasks can depend on various factors. For example, you can get your roof formally inspected once a year, but you may want to do informal inspections yourself after every severe rain or wind.

roofer working on a sloped roof

Image from: pixabay.com

Improve Your Home Maintenance Efficiency

Home maintenance is not just about fixing visible problems and improving house aesthetics. It’s also about setting the foundation for a more efficient maintenance routine. By following these often ignored home improvement tips, you can save time, money, and stress in the long run.



Feature Image from: pixabay.com