A plush carpet can transform the ambiance of any room, offering warmth, comfort, and style. They make the place look a little sober and comfortable just by lying on the floor, and trust me, when I enter a room and find a clean carpet, it automatically sets me at ease and makes me comfortable because carpets are not just to warm your place, they make room for other people when the sofas and chairs are full.
If you also have been owning a carpet for some time, you would know it gets dirty in no time, and it’s nearly impossible to keep it clean and new for too long. But fear not! With a few simple yet effective strategies, you can keep your carpet looking as good as new for years to come. From regular vacuuming to professional cleaning, we’ve got you covered at Waratah Carpet Cleaning Central Coast.
Tips for keeping your carpet clean and new
Apart from professional services, what do you think you can do to keep your carpets looking as good as new? Follow along.
No shoe Policy
When you brought the carpet in, the first thing you should have done was implement the ‘No Shoe Policy’ because toddlers—and sometimes adults—find it very interesting to bring the outside dirt and filth inside the house. You can place the doormats at the entrance and offer the visitors a clean pair of slippers.
Vacuum regularly
It would be very wise to clean your carpet twice a week, as this keeps it clean and is vital to ensuring its longevity. Vacuuming regularly ensures that the dirt doesn’t accumulate over time since dirt has abrasive qualities, which affects the longevity and the look of it. It can make your carpet look older and dirtier and also damage its fiber.
Besides, before vacuuming, sprinkle baking soda over your carpet; it would help make it look and smell fresh.
Soak the spills immediately.
Stains are the worst nightmares, not just for clothes but also for carpets, and once you’ve got one stained, there’s no going back to the old stainless, clean carpets because no matter what you use, the stain won’t go completely. So, it’s better to avoid it, but it might be difficult with toddlers and pets around.
So, what you can do to avoid stains is keep an emergency stain remover kit. First of all, soak up the spilled liquid; do not rub it. I repeat, DO NOT RUB IT! Next, you can use stain removers like dishwasher detergent, hydrogen peroxide, shaving cream, club soda since these are said to be some of the best stain removers.
Trim snags
Another wise piece of advice is never to pull away a thread or a snag if you see one on your carpet. This is especially advisable for those who keep pets since they have sharp nails and claws that might pull a thread. So, you’d better grab a pair of sharp scissors, kneel down, and very carefully trim those loosened threads or snags.
Avoid Carpet Powders
No matter how much they say, carpet powders will not benefit your carpets and will actually harm them in the long run. You can instead choose baking soda, as suggested above, it would keep your carpets fresh and wouldn’t damage it.
Deep Cleaning
Regular vacuuming and baking soda are necessary, but your carpets do need a thorough, deep cleaning once in a while. Call for professional carpet cleaners to get your carpets cleaned at least once in six months.
Avoid Furniture Cracks
You must avoid dragging the furniture or heavy objects over your carpet. If you are keeping your furniture on the carpet, make sure that it can withstand the pressure and does not affect the rug pile height or its fabric. You can also rearrange the pieces of furniture once in a while to avoid marks on your carpets.
Your carpet is your investment, and you must know that visitors notice those carpets and decide for themselves whether they want to keep their shoes on or off. So, if you’ve visitors and they often step on your carpet with their shoes on, you know what to do, don’t you?
Give your carpets a thorough and professional cleaning and with it, make your home a better place to be in.
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