Our home environments can have a major impact on our health and well-being. Keeping up to date with basic maintenance can reduce the risk of a host of health issues. In this handy guide, we’ll share some easy solutions to help you create and maintain a healthy, hygienic home.
Draw up a cleaning checklist
Regular cleaning is one of the most effective ways to lower the risk of health issues at home. Dirty, messy, dusty, damp and unhygienic environments can increase the risk of conditions ranging from allergies and infections to respiratory problems and food poisoning. Drawing up a checklist is a great way to manage chores and make sure priority jobs are completed regularly. Divide your checklist into daily, weekly and monthly jobs.
It’s particularly important to keep your kitchen clean, as this is where most people prepare, cook and eat food. Aside from routine tasks, such as wiping the surfaces with disinfectant and mopping floors, it’s beneficial to clean your units and your appliances. If your washing machine smells bad, this is often linked to excess moisture, which can cause mold to develop. Cleaning the drum and window regularly and avoiding using too much detergent can prevent this issue. It’s also important to descale your kettle and clean the sink and refrigerator daily. Remove trash, keep leftovers in sealed containers and store cleaning products in lockable cupboards if you have pets or young children.
Improve ventilation
Improving ventilation can be instrumental in enhancing air quality and reducing the risk of excess moisture. Let fresh air circulate through the house by opening windows and doors and use extractor fans when cooking or using the bathroom. A lack of ventilation can cause dampness. Warning signs include a musty, stale smell, discolored patches on the walls and ceilings, mold growth and rippling paint or wallpaper.
Keep pests at bay
Household pests can be a consequence of poor hygiene and a lack of cleanliness. Pests are often attracted to food, damp conditions and standing water. To prevent household pests, it’s important to remove traces of food, keep trash in secure containers outside the property and keep your home clean and tidy. It’s also beneficial to block entry points. Gaps in window and door frames, holes in external walls and spaces underneath doors provide opportunities for uninvited guests to visit.
Common signs of pest infestations include droppings, evidence of gnawing and biting, scuttling and shuffling noises, urine trails, unpleasant odors and nesting materials. If you’re concerned about pests, it’s best to seek professional advice. Pest control companies specialize in removing pests humanely and preventing repeat problems in the future.
Home maintenance is often associated with lowering running and repair costs and keeping a property in good condition, but it also plays a pivotal role in creating healthy and hygienic environments. Key areas to focus on include regular, thorough cleaning, improving ventilation and keeping pests at bay. In most cases, you can tackle these tasks yourself, but if you have a busy schedule or you notice more complex problems, don’t hesitate to seek expert advice.
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