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Many people believe home insurance is a luxury or optional. However, this belief is wrong. A home can be the most valuable asset or purchase of your life. But without the right measures to protect it against damage, it can be detrimental to you.

Home insurance will protect your investment from unexpected events that you don’t want to miss for anything in the world. Furthermore, your mortgage company will require you to get adequate coverage before borrowing your money to buy your dream house. Even as a renter, your landlord might require you to get renter insurance for proper protection of your home and possessions.

However, getting home insurance can be confusing without proper knowledge of some things. This article discusses some things to know when looking for home insurance coverage. Continue reading for more!

Determine Your Coverage Needs

The first crucial step you must take when buying home insurance service is to determine your coverage needs. Otherwise, you may end up being underinsured and not get adequate insurance coverage to repair or replace your home after complete damage. And the least insurance you should get must cover your replacement cost.

However, you must know that standard home insurance may not be enough to replace or repair your possessions and home. You may experience this if your home replacement cost is higher than the average in your community or if you possess expensive items. Therefore, you must review your maximum home insurance coverage to avoid unnecessary headaches later when you file a claim.

If you notice your insurance is not enough after looking into your maximum coverage, you may want to pay for additional coverage. Doing so may increase your maximums or cover some valuables. For instance, you may need extra coverage for your jewelry and collectibles.

Additionally, standard insurance may not include flood coverage. Therefore, depending on your location, you may want to consider additional coverage that protects your home from flooding. Generally, determine the maximum coverage you want in case of total home damage and extras to protect your possessions.

Consider Your Insurance Costs

While buying a home, you must include your home insurance cost in your budget. You can get an idea of the amount you will pay for your homeowner insurance by informing your insurance agent of your location and the square footage of the property.

Furthermore, you want to get an appraisal for your clothing, appliances, furniture, and other possessions. Estimate the home’s rebuild cost and other structures such as a pool, fence, or garage.

Include personal belongings like a barbecue grill, sporting equipment, musical instruments, and artwork. Never forget to add items tucked out of sight, like silverware, rarely used appliances, and linens.

Note that you are better insured with adequate inventory. Hence, you don’t want to hide anything just to pay less. Also, keep a record of where and when you bought expensive items for easier replacement cost estimates when you file a claim.  For better documentation, take dated videos of your inventory.

Additionally, note that older structures may cost more to insure while durable materials and new buildings can give you an advantage when buying homeowner insurance.

Understand Insurance Exclusions

person handing paperwork and pen to another person 

Don’t assume your home insurance covers everything. It will shock you to see some things standard insurance will cover. You don’t want to find out only after filing a claim.

For instance, a standard insurance policy won’t insure your home from floods, and many insurance companies cover earthquake damage separately.  Also, no insurance company will cover any damage caused by a lack of home maintenance or your carelessness.

Another damage cost your insurance company might evade is due to your business activities at home, except you buy extra coverage. Moreover, your insurance company may cease coverage if you file too many claims or there are changes in your community that expose your home to damage.

Generally, go through the paperwork and understand all your home insurance limitations before buying.

Maximize Discount Opportunities

Although insurance might take up some of your savings, you must never ignore it to protect your home and belongings. Nevertheless, there are some ways you can save some bucks when buying homeowner insurance.

Installing security measures like smoke detectors, fire sprinklers, remote security systems, and burglar alarms can help you get lower insurance premiums. Furthermore, maintaining a history free of claims to demonstrate your home is not at risk can help you get home coverage at a lower price.

Also, adding upgrades like a new roof, vinyl siding, and electrical system makes your structures more resistant to damage and potentially helps you get discounts on your insurance. Bundling your home insurance with others, like auto or health insurance, with the same provider can help you get discounts.

Buying insurance from the same company for a long time, choosing a policy with high deductibles, and joining business associations are other ways to buy insurance policies at discounted prices. Overall, find out what gives you the best advantage to negotiate the best deal when buying home insurance.

Shop Around

Now that you understand the key things to successfully buy home insurance without future headaches, you want to examine different insurance providers to get the best deal.

Identify some reputable insurance companies around. You can check online reviews or ask friends about any licensed company that suits your insurance package and offers good deals.

Once you have identified some dependable companies, contact them and request quotes. Provide information about your insurance history, personal information of people living in your home, residency type, square footage of your home, construction materials, recent upgrades, and security features when requesting quotes.

Compare the quotes from different companies. Consider what each company offers for how much to determine the best deal for you.

Protecting Your Home and Belongings

large white house with nice lawn

As you may now know, your home is on the top of the list of your most valuable assets, and you must do everything to protect it. A minor leak, a small break-in, or a little flood can significantly affect your finances and lead to emotional stress.

Homeowners insurance will protect you from future financial constraints and unrest in the event of home damage or theft. Nevertheless, you must pay attention to details and ensure you are adequately insured. Cover all the necessary policies and don’t over-insure.


Feature image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/modern-building-against-sky-323780/