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Many people are turning to solar power since it’s one of the various forms of renewable sources available. Due to the high associated costs, most people in the past frequently had second thoughts about switching to the power source. However, as solar technology continues to evolve, it’s becoming readily available to all sectors.


How Solar Power Works

Solar or photovoltaic (PV) panels are essential to capture and concentrate the sun’s rays and transform the radiation into electricity. However, before deciding to install the system, you have to keep in mind that several factors influence the amount of energy your system can produce. Generally, these factors include the location, weather conditions, size of the system, amount of sunlight, and overall efficiency of the solar panels, to name a few.

The solar system is usually based on your home’s load or overall energy consumption. In most cases, the system may be smaller, equal, or larger than the load. If your system happens to generate more power than what you consume, you might be wondering what to do with the surplus. Luckily, there are several options to keep in mind to make the most of the surplus solar power.

Another new trend is the possibility of selling your excess power to your neighbors directly. You no longer need to go through processing under your utility provider while getting more value from your solar panel system. If you want insights on what you’ll gain with solar energy trading, you may want to read this breakdown first.

Ways To Maximize Excess Solar Power From Solar Panels

If the solar panel system installed in your home can generate more power than the load or your household consumes, you have excess power every month. There are several ways to maximize the power if you’re unsure what to do with the extra supply.


1. Increase The Load In Your Household

A simple way to utilize the surplus energy your solar panel system generates is to increase the load or the power your household consumes.

Most homeowners are looking for ways to lower their monthly utility bills. One of the common ways to achieve this is by limiting the use of appliances or systems that consume large amounts of energy. However, if your current solar energy system is producing excess power, the best way to utilize the power is to increase the load of your household. You can do this by allowing your solar panel system to power some appliances or systems that utilize significant energy, such as air-conditioning, heating systems, and even the refrigerator.


2. Introduce The Surplus Power To The Grid

When your current solar panel system produces more than the load, it can be considered inefficient since it’s generating more than your household currently needs. One of the best ways to utilize the surplus energy your solar panel system generates is to connect to the grid.

If your utility provider offers buyback or net metering programs, you can connect to the grid so that the surplus energy will not end up wasted. When your utility provider offers a net metering program, you’ll gain credit for the amount of power based on a kilowatt per hour basis. As for a buyback program, the utility provider designates a rate for the surplus energy that goes to the grid. The buyback and net metering programs give you credit for the energy that would otherwise be lost.

Most states typically have obligatory net metering requirements among utility providers, but it depends on the state. As for buyback programs, some utility providers tend to pay a lower rate per kWh. If you find connecting to the grid a hassle due to these drawbacks, there are other ways to utilize the surplus energy.


3. Store Energy In A Battery System

Although solar panels are a cost-effective energy source, they have a limitation you need to know. Generally, sunlight or solar energy is only available for a certain length of time throughout the day, while fossil fuels allow convenient utilization at any time for various uses. One way to go through the limitation is to store the energy in a battery system. With this setup, it becomes a source of power day and night.

A battery system will come in handy in holding energy that you can readily utilize on days when the sun is hidden, especially during inclement weather. Additionally, a battery system will also be helpful during scenarios involving lengthy power outages.

Aside from storing energy, one method of utilizing surplus energy is to purchase a battery system. Above all, calibrating the system is vital to ensuring that it’s the proper one for your needs. There are also critical elements to consider, such as peak power consumption from the load and system autonomy. Generally, you can choose between a deep-cycle battery or a smart battery system. Working with a professional is the best way to determine the right one for your household.


4. Invest In An Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station

Another efficient way to utilize the surplus energy from your solar panel system is to install an electric vehicle (EV) charging station. As more people nowadays are switching to electric vehicles, consider it an eco-friendly trend that’s likely to become the norm, especially among those eager to reduce the skyrocketing expenses on gas.


Final Thoughts 

The surplus energy your solar panel system produces will only go to waste if you don’t carry out the necessary measures. If you’re trying to determine what to do with the surplus power, there are various ways, such as increasing the load, investing in batteries, and installing an EV charging station, to name a few. All these options are worth considering if you want to maximize the surplus energy from your solar panel system.