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About Us

Become a member of the Rochester Home Builders’ Association or the Upstate Building Industry Alliance and enjoy the benefits! Members have access to thousands of dollars in services, business and marketing tools, opportunities and exclusive deals. Be part of Upstate’s one-stop source for homeowners and home buyers searching for professionals. Join today.

Education Programs

With our partnerships in the community, members can find access to programs to help boost their knowledge or learn new skills. Past programs have included topics such as:

  • Safety in the workplace
  • Building code information
  • Business management tools
  • Sales and marketing
  • Certification programs
  • Energy efficiency

And more!


Industry Updates

  • Industry information delivered direct to your inbox and mailbox
  • Updates on latest developments and changes – and how they affect your businesses
  • Answers to industry related questions from knowledgeable professionals
  • Seminars and educational programs when there are changes in laws and regulations that may affect your business
  • Business management tools to help you run your business efficiently and be more profitable


Business Promotion

  • Your affiliation with Rochester Home Builders’ Association and Upstate Building Industry Alliance, two trusted area organizations, sets you apart from your competition.

  • Through the marketing of FindTheHomePros.com to the public, homeowners can easily find member businesses for their home projects. Easy search options direct them straight to your business!

  • Members receive a free business listing each year in our popular ROC HOME Magazine distributed each March at the ROC Home & Garden Show to thousands of homeowners.

  • Members enjoy exclusive discounts on exhibit space at the ROC Home & Garden Show attended by an average of 8k homeowners annually.

  • Sponsorship opportunities are offered to members for business to business promotion at events throughout the year.

Scholarship Opportunities

The Construction Industry Foundation, a 501c(3) not for profit under the management of the Rochester Home Builders’ Association offers the following scholarship opportunities:

Click on each link for more information.

Who is the CIF?

How the Construction Industry Foundation (CIF) supports the growth and development of a skilled workforce in the Residential Building and Construction Industry.

$1,000 Continuing Education Scholarship

$1,000 Scholarship for those continuing their education after high school in a field related to Residential Building and Construction

$750 School to Work “Toolbox” Scholarship

$750 School-to-Work ‘Toolbox’ Scholarship for those going directly from high school to the workforce in a field related to residential building and construction.

Additional scholarship opportunities are available through our affiliated New York State Builders Association and their Research and Education Foundation. You can find more information at this link.  

Member Discounts

  • Free safety program and toolbox safety talks for your business
  • Discounts on Microsoft office training classes
  • Members Only access to business contracts and warranties
  • Discount programs that include:
    •  Cell phone discounts
    • Fleet Fuel Savings Program
    • Office Supplies discounts
    • Shipping discounts
  • Free membership for you and your employees to MyBetterBenefits with 100’s of discounts
  • Access to health insurance

Join Upstate NY’s elite

If you’re the best at what you do,
you’re in good company with us.


“I cover a very large territory and have the opportunity to be a member of many organizations. Yours has the best reputation for providing important programs, services, and events to your members.”

Ed Osterhoudt

Parksite Inc.

The Association is responsive and hands on. It’s a great source for networking.

Dave Allerton

Kitchen Express II LLC

The organization provides worthwhile information, seminars, and timely advice. I have found the entire staff to be responisve and ofter able to solve a problem or make us a better company.

John Romagnola

California Closets Company

They are very helpful and a wonderful staff who are always willing to guide and help you with any issues you may have.

Henry Isaacs

Henry Isaacs Home Remodeling


If you’re not satisfied with the benefits and value of your membership, we’ll refund your dues after one year. Call (585) 272-8222 for details.